Jon Stewart unFriends Facebook (video) and so will I

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cThe Anti-Social Networkwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

Here’s Jon Stewart’s hilarious take on recent FaceBook developments. Personally I had already decided to ‘unFriend’ FB, too, ever since the news broke of Goldman-Sachs and RUSSIA sticking their camel noses under the FB

Vengeance is mine, sayeth Venus in Scorpio

…and after nearly four long months, we bid a fond adieu to Venus in Scorpio. In the dying days of this long transit, I happened to catch a couple of extremely Venus in Scorpio-evocative things on cable. One was “Cousin Bette,” starrin…

Astrology and Art: Capricorn Self-Portraits

There are two main ways I like to use astrology when I’m thinking about art.1. Knowing an artist\s birth chart or simply natal Sun can give you real insight into how planets might work out in real life. Works of art are a non-verbal expression of chara…

Road to Nowhere- Venus in Sagittarius

ometimes music says it best. I have a girlfriend who does a CD mix every year full of songs which say the things she wants to say.
I often wish I could do the same, but it would still be exposing my feelings too much. Perhaps this is why I like to use …

The General: Mars in Capricorn

Mars is in Capricorn right now and it’s pretty comfortable there.  This fire and earth combination seems odd but Mars is exalted (works really well) in this sign.  Capricorn is a Cardinal self starter which blends well with Mars “Let&#821…

Matt Taibbi on corporate shill John Boehner

Whether you expect major improvements under the House leadership of John Boehner or not, you don’t want to miss Matt Taibbi’s current piece in Rolling Stone, The Crying Shame of John Boehner!At least someone in America still engages in what was once called ‘journalism’.And Mr. Boehner’s oft-remarked-upon tendency to well up with tears? Sentimental, self-pitying perhaps, with a possible Moon/