Daily Planets Sunday 12/9/10

Transformation means different things to different people.
I spent today on a winery tour of the Yarra Valley, just an hours drive East of Melbourne. This area has died and been reborn a few times now. Originally settled by Scots in the 1830s (soon aft…

Pluto in the Seventh

“Make love, not war,” you said All detached Libra Air All glib Gemini Moon And left me alone and abandoned With my seventh house Pluto And my demanding Scorpio Moon. “These are my rules,” he says With his Sun square Pluto obssessiveness And imprisons me With the lines he draws Lines I am now afraid […]

Guest Post: The 12th House “She Did it Backwards and in High Heels.”

The Mist The house of self undoing… the house of prisons… the house of personal enemies. These are undoubtedly rather intimidating images. There is something very unsettling about the loss of control associated with them, much like fear of the unknown. We are told that there are gems to be found in this house, but […]

Global Banking Reform as Basel III meets 9.12.10

This Sunday in Basel, Switzerland, global titans meet to complete their agenda for new banking requirements which they deem are made necessary by the engineered Financial Collapse of 2008. The meeting occurs ‘under the radar’ for most of us, hence this posting peep-eye.Sunday’s conclave, Basel III is meant to establish, among other things, the amounts that banks must set aside for future crises

Synastry Studies: The Fixed Cross and the Urge to Merge (Part Three)

Please read Part Two of this series here. I’m going to begin this last part of the series by spending a little time discussing T-squares and how they operate. We were discussing crosses in one of my classes last week, and a colleague/student of mine very nicely articulated an astrological truth: we talk a lot […]

Obama presser w/ his natal Neptune rising 9.10.10

Update 9.10.10: just read Paul Krugman’s piece Things Could Be Worse which addresses the economic measures of the president as mentioned in his presser today, R v D tactics and what would happen if Rs take control in November midterms, and compares our financial crisis 2008 with Japan’s response to their own financial crisis of the 1990s. A good read.And if you missed it, here’s a White House

Daily Planets Saturday 11/9/10

Did you know there was such a thing as AbbaWorld? Trust me, it is alive and well and very interactive at Melbourne’s Federation Square…and I have the photos to prove it. My competitive side came out in the karaoke- all those years practisin…