NPR BREAKING NEWS: As Expected, Boehner Becomes House Speaker Ohio Republican John Boehner is speaker, but Nancy Pelosi saw 19 Democrats vote for people other than her. More at NPR.~:~Scroll down this blog’s sidebar a bit for a few brief astro-peeks at natal charts including John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. Mr. Boehner is famous for passing out tobacco industry checks to members on the House floor.
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5 January 2011: Then v. Now
Noonish Pacific the Moon quincunxes the South Node, adding what I’d describe as an ‘intentional tone’ to the intellectual preoccupation with all things Aquarian. This is an emotional checkpoint–after all, the Nodes are ‘points of extremity’…
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of Jan 4, 2011; 112th Congress opens 1.5.11
Today many new members of Congress are being sworn in, and on Tuesday January 4, 2011, Jupiter and Uranus performed their final Great Conjunction until April 24, 2024.Three times they’ve tangoed beginning on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (the Aries Point of World Manifestation), on September 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43, and now @ 27Pis02 which occurred yesterday at about 7:00 am est on Capitol Hill – with both
Gladio Operation, pension funds assault, & dead birds falling (video)
Jude here posting from near Athens, Georgia on this the first day the 112th Congress opens. The following presentation from Alex Jones TV is in two videos and includes discussion of the thousands of redwing blackbirds that fell dead from the sky at 11:30 pm on New Years Eve – in Arkansas (not Louisiana as stated below.) Alex will cover the latest on several key issues including birds dropping
Royal Wedding Astrology: Juno Lends a Helping Hand
Here’s great-great-great (oh forget it) granny Victoria getting hitched to Albert.Juno (discovered in 1801 but largely ignored by astrologers until fairly recently) is the asteroid associated with marriage – and she’s an obvious place to look if you’…
Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig: Mars Trine Jupiter
Does dreamy, delicious Daniel Craig have a new Bond girl? (Get it? We’re calling her a “Bond girl” because he played James Bond. Also, we’re probably the first people ever to think of that. You’re welcome, world.) Apparently, Craig and actress Rachel Weisz were spotted spending a cozy Christmas together at a scenic English cottage. […]
Daily Planets Thursday 6/1/11 Capricorn Moon Strikes Again
OK, this will be a super quick update tonight. Regular readers will know I have issues with the Capricorn Moon & today was no exception. Throw in an eclipse & a super conjunction between Jupiter & Uranus on my natal Moon & we have a day…
Sitting Bull and JP Morgan on America
Well, here’s a voice from the past that hits our plutocracy squarely on its head:"Hear me people: We now have to deal with another race—small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possessions is a disease with them. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those
Eclipse photos Jan 4, 2011
This year, the most unusual gift I received for my birthday is this morning’s Solar Eclipse!Space Weather News for Jan 4, 2011FANTASTIC SOLAR ECLIPSE: When the sun rose over Europe this morning, a piece of it was missing. The Moon had covered as much as 86% of the solar disk, producing a partial solar eclipse and a fantastic crescent-shaped sunrise. The most amazing apparition, however, may have