
It was just that, until quite recently, for a few brief decades, in some parts of the world, we were able to carry on our little lives, listening to Daft Punk, making babies, sipping tea, scrolling through videos of foxes and grannies, planting carrots, dreaming, creating and generally trying to harm as few people as […]

The post Dissolution appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

European Union (“Uran-Nept”)

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
As per a reader’s request, below is the European Union Inauguration Horoscope of November 1, 1993 (N. Campion #420A):

See History of the European Union. Was the EU formed as a signpost on the road to a "New World Order" style of World Government? Some say the United Nations was created as a model for global government. Well, at the summit in Munich a

Lunar eclipse March 2025 ~ Breakthrough

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse March 13/14 is at 23º Virgo Decan 3. Type: Worm Moon. Aspect: Opposite Saturn & Trine Uranus. Fixed Star: Cor Caroli in hunting hound Chara in Cane Venatici. Asteroid: Flora. Tarot Card…

FBI Horoscope w/ February 2025 Transits

by Jude Cowell, partisan for We the People
Remember August 2022 when the FBI "raided" Mar-a-Lago because agent orange had absconded with secret and classified documents from the White House and had them stacked up in his Florida golf resort’s bathroom? And this, after months of negotiations to corral them back to Washington where they belonged because the greedy toddler pretended they were his.

Chicago Italians

I started re-watching, “The Bear”. I know it’s a bunch of Italians, yelling, but I’m a yelling, Italian, and I really enjoy the show. I’ve been looking in my archives and came across this, which is about, Chicago Italians….

Venus Retrograde: March 1, 2025 – Fraught Or Not?

Venus will turn retrograde @ 10 degrees Aries, in the evening on March 1st.  You may feel this, as the moon will conjoin Venus as the planet reverses. This is an uncommon happening so I’ll be paying attention. For example, this may mark a signifi…