Author: Elsa

Your Soul, “Playing The Game” Of Life!

“If Life is like a video game, all matter except for the human soul is programming and non-essential players. The human soul is the only entity that has the power to change the game. Literally. WE can change the game. This is not metaphor. Every …

Lunar Returns Tell Your Monthlong Mood

I’ve been tracking my lunar returns for many years. I’ve come to see the charts as telling my monthlong mood or emotional state. I look at my lunar return to see how it’s going be for me, month to month. For example, I’m feeling…

How Do You Feel About Uranus Energy?

I miss the Mars Uranus conjunction. As far as outer planets go, I like Uranus energy. I understand the importance of the other transits, but things tend to pop when, Uranus,  is active. Big change, quickly has quite a bit of appeal, especially with Sat…

Testing blog post notifications

If you are subbed to blog post notification by email, I’ve discovered there’s an issue. The notices have not been sent. This is a test to see I we have a test in place. Thanks!

How To Access Subconscious Information

“Now and again I get these feelings, a sense that something is up, something is brewing underneath. My question is: what is it, where is it coming from and how do I access the incoming information.” I associate, intuition, precognition, ins…

Surefire Way To Be Noticed!

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are likely to experience tension today. There are six bodies in the Fixed signs and the stress between them is clearly defined. Sun in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius.  Star power, egomaniac, power struggle. Moon in Aqu…

Astro Fairies Day!

Astro Fairy is a longtime client of mine. I’ve helped her with many different things over the years. She sees people struggling and she wants to pitch in by gifting a consultation to someone in need who can’t afford to pay.  She wants to do…

Lies We Tell Ourselves (And Others)

Astrology is really good at cutting through veneer. It’s pretty common I hear someone make claims that just don’t jibe with their chart. I’ve done this myself. It usually indicates a person is divorced from some part of their characte…