Pluto in Capricorn: Dictators and Post Liberals

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Much is explained concerning current affairs and authoritarian saboteurs in an informative article in The Dispatch: Post Liberalism. And as astrologers know, and fabled astrologer Reinhold Ebertin confirms, Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is The Dictator placement so it’s no comfort that transit Pluto Rx left Aquarius and stepped a claw back into

Friends Who Sabotage Your Relationships With Men

Women make women miserable more often than men do, though the women don’t realize it. This is a common scene as it unfolds: -The man and women meet, they like each other and various things ensue. They have sex for example and they talk to each ot…

The Fourth House – Your Home Base

The 4th house in your chart reveals your base.   For example if Saturn rules your 4th or if Saturn in placed in your 4th house, I’d consider you fear-based. If Jupiter ruled your 4th or was placed there, I would think of you as faith-based, etc. …

What’s In Your Wheelhouse? What’s Your Expertise?

I had a gal email me, asking for clarification around what type problem fell in my wheelhouse. It’s a good question.  One we might all want to consider. I’m perennially interested in relationships.  I can readily see the other person’…

2 Horoscopes: Trump w RFK Jr

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
Now that spoiler candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr (aka, "Bob" or "Bobbie") has joined Trump’s 2024 Campaign, we should probably take a look at a bi-wheel of their natal charts to check for planetary contacts between them.
The obvious one is JFK Jr’s Jupiter Rx @17Gem20 conjunct Trump’s 10th house Uranus 17Gem53, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and

Year 2024 in a Cosmic Nutshell

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
The easiest way to view an entire year – namely Year 2024 – is to post for you two dual images showing Year 2024 at a glance:
1. Spring Equinox 2024 (lower left) with 2. Summer Solstice 2024 (upper right) followed by 3. Autumn Equinox 2024 (lower left) and 4. Winter Solstice 2024 (upper right).

Now as you know, a Spring Equinbox Horoscope (aka,

What To Expect With Saturn In Aries

We’ve got a lot up in the air right now. Uranus in Taurus is disrupting that which is Fixed.  Saturn, with Neptune in Pisces has all but disappeared reality.  Addiction (to whatever, including media & the internet) is widespread. Time keeps o…