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How To Access Subconscious Information

“Now and again I get these feelings, a sense that something is up, something is brewing underneath. My question is: what is it, where is it coming from and how do I access the incoming information.” I associate, intuition, precognition, ins…

VP Harris Courts Gen Z Voters

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Hey there! Would you say that Kamala Harris (is the) Gen Z meme queen? Her campaign’s appeals to Gen Z members, aka, "Zoomers", are using more modern tactics in an attempt to reach them in their favorite social network lairs, and large numbers of young folks are responding and registering to vote in Election 2024 on November 5th! That merits a huge

VP Harris Courts Gen Z Voters

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Hey there! Would you say that Kamala Harris (is the) Gen Z meme queen? Her campaign’s appeals to Gen Z members, aka, "Zoomers", are using more modern tactics in an attempt to reach them in their favorite social network lairs, and large numbers of young folks are responding and registering to vote in Election 2024 on November 5th! That merits a huge

To Think of Jimmy Carter now

White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
As the recent "death" scam against former President Jimmy Carter is now debunked, I’m thinking today of my distant cousin Jimmy Carter (we’re both Georgia natives) and his remarkable achievements, not the least of which has been his years of work with Habitat for Humanity.
The former president’s Wikipedia

Gov Josh Shapiro June 20, 1973 (D-PA)

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
As a new generation of US politicians bubbles happily along, we discussed earlier today two Democrats whose names have cycled up into public consciousness as potential VP picks for now-VP Kamala Harris. We looked at the Eclipses of Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.
Another Name Simmering on The VP Hob
Now let’s peek at

Astrology of 2 Presidents Stepping Down: 1796 and 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

First, you may wish to check out VP Kamala Harris’ first remarks after Biden stepped down from the 2024 campaign.
And perhaps you’ve seen yesterday’s horoscope of the Full Moon @29Capricorn under which President Biden ended his 2024 Campaign while retaining the presidency. And by now you’ve probably heard multiple comparisons being made between Presidents

Eclipses of Gov Andy Beshear and Sen Mark Kelly

Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; 2017
VP Harris’ Important Decision
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
When Joe Biden stepped down from his 2024 Campaign, he catapulted America into a new generation of politicians thereby fulfilling his early promise to be a bridge between generations! This resonates with Biden’s natal Saturn (old)/Uranus (new)