The New Moon perfects at 10:21 PM PST of the 30th at 9 Sagittarius 32, forming a square to Saturn and a very loose Fire Grand Trine with the North Node and Mars–but what my attention is drawn to is something that doesn’t even figure in to t…
Author: juliedemboski
Defining Ourselves
As Pluto moves out of Capricorn (not to return in our lifetimes), we are consumed with ridding ourselves of the …Continue reading →
Full Moon 15 November 2024 The Shape of Things
The Moon reaches exact opposition to the Sun (and so exact conjunction with Earth) at 1:28 PM PST of the …Continue reading →
Notes on November-December 2024: In Spite Of
So, how have those New Moon new starts panned out for you? Those endings leading to regeneration or transformation or …Continue reading →
New Moon in Scorpio 1 November 2024: The Nature of the Beast
Full Moon 17 October 2024 Potent Healing
The Full Moon perfects at 4:27 AM PDT of the 17th at 24 Aries 35, with the Moon conjoined Chiron …Continue reading →
October 2024: Zombie Issues
There are a number of current aspects, most waning, that occupy us right now, but my thought is these are …Continue reading →
Solar Eclipse 2 October 2024 Harmony In Confrontation
Yes, I’m aware that’s contradictory; how can we find accord in the midst of conflict? It seems impossible, but that’s …Continue reading →
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 17 September 2024 Reformation of the Dream
Though an eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs during a relatively long period of time (minutes or hours), for …Continue reading →
The Party’s Over: Mercury Direct, Venus Stressed, and Neptune at the End of His Rope
Mercury stations direct in apparent motion in the wee hours (2:13 AM PDT) of the 28th at 21 Leo 25, …Continue reading →