Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig: Mars Trine Jupiter

Does dreamy, delicious Daniel Craig have a new Bond girl? (Get it? We’re calling her a “Bond girl” because he played James Bond. Also, we’re probably the first people ever to think of that. You’re welcome, world.) Apparently, Craig and actress Rachel Weisz were spotted spending a cozy Christmas together at a scenic English cottage. […]

Sitting Bull and JP Morgan on America

Well, here’s a voice from the past that hits our plutocracy squarely on its head:"Hear me people: We now have to deal with another race—small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possessions is a disease with them. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those

Eclipse photos Jan 4, 2011

This year, the most unusual gift I received for my birthday is this morning’s Solar Eclipse!Space Weather News for Jan 4, 2011FANTASTIC SOLAR ECLIPSE: When the sun rose over Europe this morning, a piece of it was missing. The Moon had covered as much as 86% of the solar disk, producing a partial solar eclipse and a fantastic crescent-shaped sunrise. The most amazing apparition, however, may have

Mercury/Pluto Aspects

ystery writers. Sleuths. Whodunnit? Crime writers. Tunnel vision. Fixation. Getting stuck on a particular idea or concept. Obsessive thoughts. Secretive. Probing. Investigators. Researchers. Detectives. Paranoid. Deeply suspicious mind. Conspiracy theorists. Attempting to uncover plots where none may exist. Psychopath. Deranged. Powerful words and language – for better or worse. The power of persuasion. Withholding information […]

4 January 2011: Receiving the Message

Today Mercury is quincunx Sedna, making communication complicated: we speak but don’t have any idea what we’re really saying! It’s an aspect that results in Soul-baring exchanges or exclamations with the speaker having no idea of what…

Government Scams of the American Dream (video)

Here’s a 30-minute video to rub in…er…explain some of the ways in which the American people have been scammed by the US government: the American Dream relates to our national Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service which includes military, police, and other civic services such as our government bureaucrats.As you know, the US natal Neptune is squared (blocked) by natal Mars (

GOP takes over House, replaces gavel w hatchet

Tomorrow the Republicans ‘take over’ the House with dreams of undermining all of President Obama’s legislative successes and thus his presidency and legacy. Their agenda includes gutting or repealing the Health Care Reform bill (what I call the Health Insurance Reform bill) so if you’ve missed it, here’s a link to the January 3, 2011 letter sent to Majority Leader John Boehner from Senate

Daily Planets Wednesday 5/1/11 Vive Fantaisie

Where is it written that one should live in the real world? Since when is reality more fun than daydreaming? Who says that romance is dead? Why do people want to encourage you to throw away your fantasies?
Venus square Neptune presents questions like …