Nodal Synastry and the Magic Bullet

There is no magic bullet. There is no one connection that can say, “Yes! We are destined for each other: YOU ARE THE ONE.” Aspects between charts, and in composite, tell what type of energy is present in the relationship- but not whether that energy is right for you. Rather than searching for “good” connections,[Continue…]

Scott Simon encapsulates Labor Day 2010

No Astrology this morning, just a link to one of the best Simon Says features I’ve heard NPR Weekend Edition’s Scott Simon deliver in a long time. It gives an intimate picture of Labor Day 2010 in America – personal without being too personal – and the sorry unemployment rate that Americans and their families are dealing with.They’d Trade Labor Day for Days of Labor briefly but succinctly

Opinions: Obama’s ‘end of combat ops in Iraq’ speech

It was quite a dizzying tightrope he walked and perhaps President Obama’s multi-messaged speech with two-directional, murky Pisces Rising concerning the ‘ending of combat operations in Iraq’ didn’t go over very well among his more discriminating listeners. Here’s an article round-up of opinions for you including mention of one of my favorite topics when it comes to the US government – Orwellian

Venus/Pluto Aspects

Transformational love. Intense artistic presence. Undermining love. Suffocating love. Depraved love. Controlling love. Attracted to controlling people. Attempting to control the people you love. Intense relationships. Intense artistic involvements. Transformation through artistic expression. Transformation through relationships. Buried treasure. Gold diggers. Hidden jewels. The depth of attraction. An intensely attractive person. Attracting situations that have the[Continue…]

Julio Iglesias and Miranda Rijnsburger: Moon Trine Venus

Hell has officially frozen over: the most famous bachelor in the world, Spanish singer Julio Iglesias, is officially off the market. (Stop crying. We said Julio, not Enrique.) This past week, Iglesias married Dutch model Miranda Rijnsburger in a private ceremony in Marbella, Spain. We’d be more surprised, but they’ve already been together for 20 […]

Daily Planets Saturday 4/9/10

Five Foot Nothing went and saw Vampires Suck at the movies this afternoon…I was supposed to see it with her, but she is a teenager (virtually) so dumped me in favour of her friends. Heavy and very resigned sigh. She said it was funny, but a bit o…

Cooking Under the Virgo Sun

In last weekends newspaper liftout was a story about Kiwi born Melbourne chef Ben Shewry collecting wild nettles by the side of a Melbourne laneway. Collecting wild things is something that forms the basis of this chefs’ produce supply. But then agai…