Just saying…

Another from the “just saying” file…what is it about Qantas & Mercury retrogrades? This story broke in the last couple of days & I posted this one during another recent retrograde period. Could be a coincidence? Just saying&#8…

Daily Planets Friday 3/9/10

Friday will bring the last burst of Gemini sociability. The Moon will still be in trine aspect to Venus and Neptune on Friday morning, so don’t rush through your day unless you absolutely have to- you will get more through being nice to people t…

‘Stuff Alan Simpson Says’ about Social Security

From Daily Kos comes an email with a link to Stuff Alan Simpson Says in an attempt to keep Social Security cuts from beggaring the Americans who depend on it. Those with higher incomes and exalted positions are apparently blinded from appreciating the 1935 SS program’s benefit to society as a whole which keeps Americans from having to live out of shopping bags on street corners (and goodness

Some Random Stuff

From the “just saying” files…
At yoga last night (I do this Kundalini yoga which is sort of different to regular yoga & concentrates a lot of stuff like chakras & meridiens etc) our teacher was telling us about the importance …

Germany bans planting of Monsanto’s GM corn

Will the multi-national US corporation Monsanto fight the ban on genetically modified corn Germany has announced?My guess is, yes. Unless Monsanto decides it’s not in their best interests to air their dirty GM laundry in court for all to see.For an interesting article on what it’s like to grow corn (with lovely photos, too) and what happens when one variety crosses with another try The Ladybug

Daily Planets Thursday 2/9/10

Talk about a typical Gemini Moon social talking about day! One of the days where it was great to be in the office (well, at least OK…can’t get too carried away with the goodness of Spring)- lots of conversations, social stuff, banter & …

Only for ECLIPSE Readers!

New material at the ECLIPSE Readers Protected Page–sign in and check it out! Password found at the end of the first article in the Summer issue of ECLIPSE–Thank You! Want in on the extras? Order the Summer issue of ECLIPSE–only $4.95…