Heidi Montag’s breast problem

Heidi Montag is a reality TV star who is best known for having had eleven plastic surgeries in one day at the age of 23. She is a self-confessed plastic surgery addict. Back in January I wrote about Heidi in the context of Saturn (challenges) in Libra (beauty). Heidi was a beautiful young girl who […]

Daily Planets Wednesday 1/9/10

The 1st official day of Spring in the Southern hemisphere, but those of us in Sydney enjoying perfect weed cultivating conditions could be forgiven for thinking it actually is already here. Just gorgeous blue skies, with that very special Spring smell …

‘To abolish poverty, abolish plutocracy’ (Rutherford B. Hayes)

Here’s the rest of the above quote from our 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes (1822 – 1893) but I wonder which modern day Republicans (or Democrats) would like to hear it much less implement it. For then their over-stuffed gravy train would have to be brought to a screeching halt instead of honest people’s incomes dissolving into thin air:"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. As

Synastry Studies: The Fixed Cross and the Urge to Merge (Part Two)

Please read Part One of this piece here. The one thing that is guaranteed to surprise students is when you tell them that there is more than one Venus/Mars polarity in the chart. Sometimes I tell them what it is, and sometimes I’m Virgo-cruel enough to ask them to go find it. After they sweat […]

Gandhi’s good question and JP Morgan’s Astrology

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" GandhiA while back I posted another of Gandhi’s quotes along with a smidgeon of details on his natal chart. Included is an excerpt from the 1922 book by Senator Richard Pettigrew Triumphant Plutocracy which

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30 In spite of Mercury retrograde, you may be experiencing a compulsive need to push ahead. In relationships, this can feel like your buttons keep getting pressed – even when your mate knows what will happen if they keep poking you (not in a sexy way, I might […]

Daily Planets Tuesday 31/8/10

Take one square of chocolate and hit repeat.
Not a whole lot of interest out there again tomorrow. The Moon is midway through Taurus and all the usual Taurus things are happening. The temptation to spend the day in bed in jammies watching movies, eatin…

Sometimes you may have to agree with Ahmadinejad

If Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes up with a logical answer that explains the source of all crises around the globe, I just may have to agree with the fellow.Drat!%*#. Thanks, corrupt US politicians.Whether Western or Eastern, global crime syndicates are wreaking havoc across the planet and my suspicion is that their members both foreign and domestic are playing on the same team against the rest