Sometimes you may have to agree with Ahmadinejad

If Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes up with a logical answer that explains the source of all crises around the globe, I just may have to agree with the fellow.Drat!%*#. Thanks, corrupt US politicians.Whether Western or Eastern, global crime syndicates are wreaking havoc across the planet and my suspicion is that their members both foreign and domestic are playing on the same team against the rest

Mercury Rx until Sep 12, 2010, psyops a favored tool

After the post I published earlier today with mention of America’s natal Mercury/Pluto opposition and our Mercury/Pluto cycle which began Jan 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, I was somehow directed toward an informative article containing info on the current Mercury Rx period (August 20 – Sept 12, 2010), psyops, thought control, propaganda, George Orwell’s 1984, Noam Chomsky, and government which I believe

Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30

You are being judged or evaluated on the merits of your communication style. As with all things, you’ve got admirers and detractors. It’s a little easy to respond to the challenge with a glib, “You can’t please everybody so you’ve got to please yourself.” It’s not always that cut and dry. Ask yourself instead what […]

Washington DC a ‘New Rome’? Altair the Eagle says, Yes

In my last post I wondered aloud if the world is any better off because the British Empire morphed into the American Empire. World populations still groan in pain under imperialistic oppression no matter its national origins or current moniker. And my deepest suspicion is that US-Brit political relations show a joining of empires more than is usually admitted in public although some inner

Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30

If you’ve been through hell lately, feel your strength returning. You’re on your way back. No one’s suggesting you’ve had an easy time of it. But thankfully, you’ve brought something back from those depths you descended: it’s a strong inner guidance – and it can’t be taken away from you now. That benevolent voice of […]

Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30

Regardless of your relationship status, you’ve got a bee in your bonnet where romance is concerned. It’s also tied in with sex and money – two issues that raise your awareness of personal security to a hyper-vigilant state. Be careful that, in your desire to be sensible with your finances, you don’t squelch your love […]