Author: alcuin9

New Look Site Up Very Soon

Hello, Everyone– Happy Easter, Passover, Rite of Spring, Buddha’s Birthday, and whatever other holiday happens to coincide round about this time. Things are coming back to life again after a very long and hard winter, and this site is no exception. (We should congratulate ourselves for getting through a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction with Pluto thrown in.) […]

Alas, no better–or do you like it?

In my quest to find something easier for you all to read, I came across the option to flip my site–alas, the gray on white theme is even harder to read, to my eyes, than the white on black was. This one is a kind of compromise, but still not there yet. What do you […]

Some Questions for My Readers and Students

I’m thinking of changing the look of the blog, and I have a couple of questions for you. 1) Do you think it’s too hard to read in it’s current format? 2) Do/Did you find it difficult to find contact information and info on rates, etc? 3) Would you like to see the articles organized […]

Slight delay…

Sorry, folks. I know I promised a new article this weekend, but a family emergency got in the way. New material will be up shortly–an article on the difference in impact between the Vertex angle and the nodes in synastry, and an article on Chiron/Mars. Part Two of the series on Ceres is also in […]

‘Tis the Season, Dammit

Sorry, folks. I’ve meant to post, I’ve meant to share a lot of things with you, but I’ve been felled by the flu, which is a particular bugbear of mine (damn Saturn in the third). This flu, in particular, has not only scrambled my brain but it’s stolen my voice, making readings impossible. Life is […]

Off the Cuff Dates Extended

Due to the popularity of the Off the Cuff readings (and, no doubt, to the general tension up in the heavens just now) I will be extending the available dates to include the 28th, 29th and 30th of December. This will be your last chance to book an Off the Cuff reading at the reduced […]

Soul Points in Synastry–Changes

If anyone is interested in taking the two-part ‘Soul Points in Synastry’ classes described in the last post, that class will now be offered between January 3rd and January 17th only. The first lesson involves how to read the nodal ‘story’ between two charts and covers how to interpret nodal contacts. In the second part, […]

Full Speed Into the Solstice

All is working again (finally–phew!) so we are set to go ahead into the winter season, my favorite time of year. The ‘darkening’ time of year never lasts long enough for me–I always wonder if other Twelfth House types feel the same. We may be more comfortable with the closing of cycles. I am now […]

Synastry Studies: Conjunctions–Sacred Marriage or Train Wreck?

I think, of all the aspects in synastry, the most misinterpreted is the conjunction. It’s easy to understand why. There’s something romantic about a conjunction, something seductive. Two (or more, sometimes) become one. How lovely. There is a basic archetype at work here, the reconciliation of differing energies, the merging of two separate forces. On […]