Waking Up to Reality videos — Max Igan

The following video presentation by Max Igan encapsulates all the primary issues that I’ve tried to post about in my disjointed bloggery fashion on Stars Over Washington since October 2005. There are 7 videos all together with a total running time of just under 1 hour and they are very worth your checking out for I believe Mr. Igan speaks the truth. We certainly know by now that the mainstream

The Top Five Synastry Aspects for a Significant Relationship

Synastry, the art of comparing two astrological charts, can give us fascinating insights into how we vibe with others. Whether it’s a passionate romance, a lifelong friendship, or a tricky family dynamic. This guide’ll focus on the top five synastry aspects that could indicate a significant relationship. Top Five Synastry Aspects for a Significant Relationship […]

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Daily Planets Wednesday 15/9/10

I have often told my hubby (and anyone else I can get away with telling) that I always right, it is just that the degree of my rightness has been known to vary. Yet there is something about a Sagittarius Moon which makes me righter than usual and more …

ECLIPSE Private Page Updated!

The Private Page only for readers of ECLIPSE magazine has been updated with a new post. Password is found at the end of the first article (the one on the creative complex) in the Summer issue of ECLIPSE magazine. Thanks! … Continue reading →

The Astrology of Bill & Sookie

Last night was the season 3 finale of the HBO series True Blood. The stars of the show, Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, who play vampire Bill Compton and fairy Sookie Stackhouse wed in real life, in late August. Supernatural Attraction Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer have a similar configuration in their charts. Stephen has […]

13-14 September 2010: New Perspectives

The Sag Moon is its unadulterated, Sadge-y self (and that means expansive, curious, pushing out toward new things, experiences, and people–though it does sit from 10 AM PDT to 12:30 PM or so at the midpoint of Pluto/ Venus, offering a … Co…

Congress returns, Moon enters Sagittarius 9.13.10

Today the US Congress returns to Capitol Hill after the August break for a 4-week session and with many items to address which include the thorny question of whether to extend the Bush tax cuts or not, and for the middle class or the rich.You may wish to check out the issues and the status of existing legislation at Open Congress.Meanwhile, overhead, Sun remains in earthy Virgo today while the

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13 There’s nothing to hold you back now from going after what or whom you want. Mercury and Pluto are moving forward and it’s full speed ahead, baby. Good thing too, because you’re itching to get going already. Just be careful that, in your zeal, you don’t lose […]

Gemini Love Horoscope for September 13

Mars, the planet of passion, is spending its final full day in your romance sector today, so it’s going to try to light a fire under your love life. Venus, the planet of love, left this sector a while a go so Mars is going to want to get the final word before it moves […]

Daily Planets Tuesday 14/9/10

I know, I know…I didn’t post an update yesterday- but I’m sure you all would have coped quite well. Yesterday there were shoes to buy and planes to catch and then washing and unpacking to be done, so the Daily Planets didn’t rea…