With Venus in Sagittarius, you’re more inclined to base your relationship agenda on your ideals now.
Newsletter 9/1/11
What a week! Some huge highs & some lows that were…well, about as low as it is possible to be….and when you have a watery Moon, that is a similar depth to those oceans where scientists go to find giant squid and other one eyed monsters …
Newsletter 9/1/11
What a week! Some huge highs & some lows that were…well, about as low as it is possible to be….and when you have a watery Moon, that is a similar depth to those oceans where scientists go to find giant squid and other one eyed monsters …
Daily Planets Monday 10/1/11 Intentions- Good or Otherwise
I was supposed to do a lot of things today. I intended to take down the Xmas decorations which should have come down last weekend. I intended to go shopping for a TV stand. I intended to go to the gym for a really long, sweaty workout. I intended to co…
Denise Richards and Nikki Sixx: Sun Sextile Venus
If you took all of Denise Richards’ and Nikki Sixx’s ex-es and corralled them in a room, it’d look like next season’s casting call for VH1’s Celebrity Rehab. (Either that, or the Dumb Tattoo Expo.) What with his debauched glory days in Mötley Crüe (and her ordeal with Charlie Sheen), these two have each had […]
112th Congress = "Swords" vs "Torches"?
In his weekly radio address today President Obama has called for Republicans to stop their symbolic battles, battles which seem to this blogger to be meant in part as a salve to the Tea Partisans watching GOPers closely for backtracking on their promises to do things differently than Congress’ previous sorriness.And the millions of dollars that GOP ‘symbolism’ has cost the US taxpayer during only
Astrology and the News: Massive Animal Kills Captures Media Attention
(Astrology Explored) Fellow astrology blogger (Astrology Explored) Lynn Hayes asked our Astrology Blogger group if anyone found any astrological correlations between the recent massive bird kills reported in the media for the past several days. Various colleagues speculated on shifts … Continue reading →
8 January 2011: A Pisces Moon, and a Little Time Travel
The 5 AM hour of the 8th sees the Pisces Moon sextile Pluto, offering a window for deep contemplation, meditation, or emotional purging, but all with a positive result. The only negative is if this hooks into your chart in … Continue reading →
Daily Planets Sunday 9/1/11 And a recipe! Plum Bakewell Tart
Anyone else got that urge to space out? Five Foot Nothing just came back from next door with an invite for a pantry mashup BBQ and I can’t even summon the mental strength to decide- chicken or steak? Yep, the Moon is in Pisces and for the rest of…
Daily Planets Saturday 8/1/11 All About Steamboats
Phew Saturday! This has been one helluva week. Routine shot to pieces with Five Foot Nothing being on holidays & swimming twice a day, work busier than it has been in months (actually, that is a good thing), emotions running very high & extrem…