Confession time: I get depressed easily and I’m a low energy person. I’m not telling you this so you’ll feel sorry for me, I’m using it to illustrate the theme of this post which is working with what you’ve got. … …
Venus in Sagittarius: January 7 to February 4
Venus in Sagittarius asks us to explore our beliefs and philosophies about love and relationships.
Rhetoric targets Palin w Mars to her natal Moon
Is Sarah Palin the Victim?Sarah Palin on Wednesday leveled a charge of "blood libel" against those who’ve blamed the January 8, 2011 tragedy in Tucson on her violent rhetoric against her party’s Democratic opponents.Now I prefer not to blog much about Palin’s natal chart but it may be time for SO’W to record a current look at transits to the former Alaska governor’s natal placements. As you know,
12 January 2011: Emotional Action and Reaction
1:30 AM PST sees Venus semi-sextile Pluto, with the Moon sesquiquadrate. What exactly are we experiencing here? There is a subterranean urge toward upheaval and change in relationship, finances, or values, and the emotions chime in with a great deal &#…
Daily Planets Thursday 13/1/11 Of Droughts & Flooding Rains
I could also call this post:
when you should think like an Aries
I love it when a plan works
Big Guys with Utes
Today was a day when I had to think like an Aries (ie logically & for battle & not with my Piscean heart), was glad to see a Capri…
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones: Moon Conjunct Mars
Michael Douglas has revealed the wonderful news we were hoping for: his terrible battle with throat cancer is finally over. To celebrate this fantastic diagnosis, Michael celebrated like any champion would and took his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and their two kids to Walt Disney World. Luckily, there was an upside to the grueling battle; in […]
Money and Emotions
A friend of mine recently commented that money is an emotional matter. This was a little surprising to hear because she’s always been very controlled about her finances, saving and investing the way most people should but don’t. Lately …
Capricorn season 2011? Pass the Twinkies! And explain the dead birds
Today I’ve pretty much been hibernating and reading, partly due to the snow and ice still on the lawn and bitter cold in the forecast, partly from recent shocking events which my natal Moon in Pisces often absorbs a little too deeply. Regular breaks from Politics are needed to maintain (or attain?) emotional health and sanity, as most people agree.Yet I’ve not been wholly inactive and have spent
Pallas Athena speaks
You know me. You’ve seen me. I walk on the sidewalks next to you, you’ve passed me in corridors of power, you work by my side or you work for me. I am Pallas Athena, I am my father’s daughter and I am shaped for power and success. I sit in your boardrooms and even […]
The Astrology of Obsession
Some aspects can lead to the kind of intense attachment that spirals out of control.