Newsletter 19/9/10

I started this weekend with plans to de-clutter & garden, with a little picnic up at Mangrove Mountain with the rest of the Lyons Den on Sunday.  But, you know what they say about plans and the ones that are best laid…
Saturday ended up bein…

Venus/Uranus Aspects

Erratic affection. Inconsistent likes and dislikes. Personal magnetism. Electric attractive qualities. Unusual style. Bizarre attractions. Strange preferences in love. Attracted to unusual people and things. Attracted to offbeat romances. Needing distance in a relationship. Need to maintain personal freedom within a relationship. Coldness in relationships. Love of science and technology. Geek chic. Innovative artists. Loving […]

The Inner Wheel Now On Facebook!

Hi Folks, I’ve taken the plunge and, as many of you have requested, have put a page for The Inner Wheel on Facebook. You’ll have to bear with me as I learn the ropes, but I’m hoping that it will provide a place for us to have some interesting discussions and interactions. Here is the […]

Meet the Tea Party candidates (video)

Alex D’Atria of GOP Thinks sent along this video with details on a gaggle of Tea Party candidates and their ideas of how to govern. The smorgasbord includes Sharron Angle and Rand Paul for your ‘be very afraid’ consideration.Ah, US Politics…anything emotionally engaging that keeps the American people’s panties in a twist, us at each others’ throats, and the power elite in charge!And here’s an

Mars in 12 Houses: Where Courage and Fear Reside

Courage is the ability to confront fear. Like two sides of the same coin, courage and fear cannot exist without each other. We can’t be brave without experiencing fear – if something doesn’t make you feel afraid, then it doesn’t take any courage to …

Mars in 12 Houses: Where Courage and Fear Reside

Courage is the ability to confront fear. Like two sides of the same coin, courage and fear cannot exist without each other. We can’t be brave without experiencing fear – if something doesn’t make you feel afraid, then it doesn’t take any courage to …

Mars in 12 Houses: Where Courage and Fear Reside

Courage is the ability to confront fear. Like two sides of the same coin, courage and fear cannot exist without each other. We can’t be brave without experiencing fear – if something doesn’t make you feel afraid, then it doesn’t take any courage to …