A Harvest Moon @ Aries Point 9.23.10

If you’re familiar with the Sibly version of America’s natal chart (7.4.1776 5:10 pm LMT) you know that the September 23, 2010 Full Moon @ 00Aries, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Fame, and Prominence conjoins US natal Ic, the Home and Domestic Scene point of any horoscope. Aries is the sign of the pioneer and those who begin things, yet Ic is a point of Endings. This signifies a new

Libra Men: Are They Worth the Effort?

Recently, on Twitter, I got an interesting direct message from a guy who asked, “Why do some women look at me sideways when they find out I’m a Libra?” There are a few answers to that question. First, nearly everybody gets the side-eye for their sign. For instance, I get it for being a Scorpio. […]

I Want it NOW! The Mars Return

Along with being given the responsibility of caring for a child, mothers are also given other amazing talents:

The addition of a cleansing and healing hormone to saliva
The ability to induce guilt at any time without warning for the rest of the childs…

Aries New Moon: The One We Feed

Striking balance at this Aries New Moon offers some vital challenges. Instead of exciting your lower instincts with messages of anger, attacks, and retaliation, feed your positive Aries warrior wolf by taking positive action to support your beliefs. There is a fight going on inside you, and me, and every other person, too. Which wolf will win? The one we feed….

The post Aries New Moon: The One We Feed appeared first on April Elliott Kent’s Big Sky Astrology.

Ongoing Astrology Lessons

I’ve had quite a few inquiries recently from people who want to study astrology, mainly from people who are not quite beginners but don’t know where to go from here. The Internet is a wonderful tool for astrological information, but the real art of astrology is in consolidating the information and learning how to give […]

Earth meets Jupiter (aligned w Uranus) 9.20/21.10

Midnight. Be There!Space Weather News for Sept. 20, 2010JUPITER AT ITS BEST: Tonight, Sept 20-21, Earth and Jupiter converge for their closest encounter in decades. The giant planet will soar across the sky at midnight, outshining everything except the Moon itself. Although big, bright Jupiter will remain close to Earth for weeks to come, tonight is the closest of all. Check SpaceWeather.com for