Around 12:30 PM PST the Moon trines Ceres. Let’s call this ‘easy Air,’ as the natural thought processes will mesh smoothly with the emotions and with the intuition–each supports the other, and any authority we hold inherent to our beingness …
Taurus Moon- Comfort For all the Senses
Sometimes comfort is about more than a hug, a patronising pat on the head or a belly full of things you know you shouldn’t have eaten.
Sometimes it is purely and simply about the taste, the texture, the senses. Sometimes it is about a repetitive yet…
North Node in Scorpio and South Node in Taurus, By House
North Node Scorpio 1st House/ South Node Taurus 7th House Developing a more sexual presence. Letting yourself approach the world with intensity. Putting passion into everything you do. No longer being stuck in materially codependent relationships. No longer expecting other people to provide stability in your relationships. No longer being so concerned with the financial
Jupiter and Uranus: Last Tango in Pisces
Shade and Darkness – The Evening before the Deluge. JMW Turner 1843A wall of water ripped through inland Australia tearing up trees, tossing cars and buses like flotsam, swamping houses and taking lives.Today hundreds of Brazilians died in muddy…
Biggest Loser Ratings…by the Stars
I wrote this a few years ago for a newsletter at the gym my sister was doing a Biggest Loser competition. Then I thought I would pitch it for a feature article & just couldn’t be faffed. Found it this morning when going through my ideas files. To…
Astrology and Astronomy: The Ophiuchus Debate
(Astrology Explored) Why you don’t add every Tom, Dick and Ophiuchus to your Zodiac Wheel Astronomer Parke Kunkle has discovered there are other constellations in the sky besides the twelve we are familiar with. He is so impressed with his … Continue reading →
14 January 2011: The Mystic Rectangle, A Battle Plan
Today there’s a Mystic Rectangle, with the Sun/ Earth axis, Mars (c.Sun) and the Juno opposition to Jupiter/ Uranus (lasts through the 22nd, though without Mars in latter days). This is highly energizing, electrical, lighting up empowerment options, …
Daily Planets Saturday 15/1/11 Strog, Mac and Other Comfort Foods
We’re having strog for dinner tonight, ie beef stroganoff…well my version thereof. In actual fact it is sort of a glorified beef goulash with some light sour cream stirred in & served with egg noodles. But in our house when it is tom…
SOTU Address Jan 25, 2011: Sun Aquarius-Moon Libra
It seems a bit early to locate the precise hour of President Obama’s State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress scheduled for the evening of January 25, 2011 or perhaps the time isn’t yet settled, but an early peek at two possible horoscopes for 8:00 pm est and 9:00 pm est on that evening in Washington DC shows Sun in Aquarius with a 29th-degree Moon in Libra in both charts.Moon
Ophiuchus- Trying saying that 5 times when drunk!
I had a nasty shock today. Apparently my Scorpio husband is really a Virgo. That means I have over 20 years of manipulation & training to change…and may be forced to clean up my act a bit.
Further, my Aries daughter is now a Pisces and has to…