Cardinal energies get their first boost around 1 PM PST with the Moon’s T-square to the Nodal axis and Pallas, which is conjunct the NN. The emotions want to ‘make it happen,’ and there’s an acute awareness that guidance and … Continue re…
A Presidency in Review (video) : our Mars/Neptune link
A Presidency in Review: Who is Barack Obama?Looking around for a general review of President Obama’s Oval Office term with which to end 2010, I came upon John Pilger giving his assessment of President Barack Obama in July 2010. This may present the clearest picture yet of the man in the White House and the astrological synchronicity between our nation’s *Neptune 22Vir25 (illusion, delusion,
The Most Popular Posts of 2010
The 10 most-read articles written this year.
The Latest from Sasstrology
Love Horoscope for the Week of December 27 It’s understandable if you have this compelling urge to just get on with it, whatever it is. But we’re not there yet, so you’re better off letting Mercury complete his retrograde phase. There’s also another eclipse to come next week. So take the cosmic hint and chill. […]
Quotes about a ‘New World Order’ (FDR, Nixon, Bush, 9/11, etc)
An interesting link has been added in SO’W’s sidebar with Quotes of Note concerning the establishment of a New World Order (aka, a new world economic order.) From the linked page I’m lifting the following excerpt and will hook you up near post’s end with a link to the complete list of quotes.The first one you’ve probably read or heard before. It’s the second one that ties together some of my
Sun and Pluto: Renewal and Destruction
Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThe Hindu god Shiva embodies the creative potential unleashed by destruction. Now that the Sun has moved into Capricorn for the month, he has joined Pluto for their annual meeting – an…
2010 the Year That Was…in Blogs…
What a bloggy year. Out of hundreds of posts, & mountains of statistics, here is 2010…by numbers.
We started collecting stats in March & I was overjoyed to see 14713 hits. WOW! This has now grown to around 34000 per month. Way too many o…
Daily Planets 27/12/10 The Sequel…& a recipe
HTF did I forget about Pluto? Or more specifically the annual Sun/Pluto conjunction?
Anyways, I did, & it is exact right about….now.
What does it mean? Intensity, growth, rebirth, transformation. I intend using the transformational energy on…
2011 Aquarius Annual Video Horoscope by Insightful Astrology
For more, visit Maria DeSimone at Insightful Astrology.
2011 Capricorn Annual Video Horoscope by Insightful Astrology
For more, visit Maria DeSimone at Insightful Astrology.