20 September 2010: Awash in the Zeitgeist

So just after I complained about short Voids not allowing us a little recuperation time, along comes this Void and gives us a stretch free of Lunar feedback (and this may invite a few brains to run hot–it’s in Aquarius–a few … …

Governments that torment the people of Haiti

Suffocating the Poor: A Modern ParableBy Johann Hari I want to tell you the story of how our governments have been torturing and tormenting an island in the Caribbean – but it is a much bigger story than that. It’s a parable explaining one of the main reasons how and why, across the world, the poor are kept poor, so the rich can be kept rich. #Possessing natural resources dooms regions of the

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 20 Between the arrival of the Autumn Equinox and a big fat Full Moon in Aries, things are cooking with lots o’ gas. You may find that there’s just the right amount of sizzle to add some welcome spice to your situation. On the other hand, it may […]

Caring for a Parent with Dementia: Silver Lining?

A while back I posted about a friend who had switched places with her mother:  her mom was no longer able to care for herself because of progressive dementia so my friend had become her caretaker.  Interesting stuff, but what’s … Continue…

Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of September 20

Your birthday season is here, and Saturn has you asking what you’ve accomplished since last year – and what you’ve learned in the process. Some of the restraints that you feel may actually come in handy as other people’s tempers flare through Thursday’s Full Moon. You may want to jump in and, true to character, […]

Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of September 20

Perhaps it’s an understatement to describe your mood as edgy this week. Because there’s so much cosmic energy being channeled into your most significant relationship now, you may easily mistake your key partner as the source of your latest woes. Indeed, it may even appear to be an open and shut textbook case. However, you […]