Daily Planets Monday 17/1/11 Air Space

As i write this, on a very small keyboard, in the Qantas departure lounge at Sydney Airport, Mars will have moved into Aquarius & a whole  new dynamic is in the air that is very different from the Mars in Capricorn energy.
Mars in Aquarius is de…

Newsletter 16/1/11

I mentioned in this newsletter last week that things were just becoming a little too much. Not just work… other stuff as well. This week has been far far worse- one of those ones where you just can’t wait for it all to be over, but then it isn

Did climate change help collapse the Roman Empire?

Having mixed feelings about the report that climate change may have had a part in the Fall of the Roman Empire, I’m posting this link to see if any of my astute readers have an opinion on the matter.Given today’s environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"…oops! It broke through anyway.And if like me you’re interested in Science’s cloning of a woolly

Thom Hartmann on the ‘Party of No’ (video)

For nine minutes progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann sums up the dynamics of the recent tragedy in Tucson and gives an historic overview of the conservative ‘Party of No’ beginning with President Obama’s uplifting message about our nation and that of Sarah Palin and her ilk.The Party of No has quite a laundry list of obstructionism to its credit (debit) and I shudder to think what this nation