Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

Status checker! Whether we’re talking about looks, job or money – yours or someone else’s – status has become your uber priority of the week. And, while improving your overall situation rings like a mantra off your tongue, try to remember the cardinal rule that appearances can be deceiving. Right now you need to tune […]

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

Regardless of your romantic situation, the yearning for a deeply passionate connection burns its way into your heart like a branding iron. Not that you’d know to look at you. Serious and disciplined as you are, you’re wearing your poker face and going out of your way to behave appropriately or to play by the […]

Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

Thanks to your guiding planet Venus hooking up with Mars, it feels as though your relationship has been injected with a major dose of adrenaline. Single or solo, you want to pounce but, at the same time, you wish to appear proper. How very trixie of you. Still, you’re on to something. After all, the […]

Newsletter 26/9/10

I write this while multi-tasking- sneezing and painting my nails (or what is left of them after a weekend in the garden) orange (OPI’s On Collins Ave, in case you are interested- I only buy the colours for the names), while watching another episode o…

Daily Planets Monday 27/9/10- and the Day of the Triffids

I love Farmers and Growers Market, although I always tend to spend way much more than I intend to or should.
This morning I discovered a new one in the farm belt west of Sydney. I was out that way to buy plants from one of the big nurseries, but ended …

25 September 2010: Grounded in Taurus

The Moon enters Taurus at 1:16 PM PDT, and around 5 PM Pacific we see a quincunx to the Sun and a trine to Pluto, bringing an interesting emotional possibility: we may feel two pressures, both an internal need to … Continue reading →

Daily Planets Sunday 26/9/10

I had such a Libra day today…hair appointment followed by an afternoon spent watching some alpha males (and very nice eye candy) running around a football field. Even the result was extremely balanced- a draw.
As a result, I am going to be very L…

When Two Tribes Go to War

The last Saturday in September is one of the most important days in the Australian sporting calendar and, therefore, in the Australian year. Second only to the horse race held on the first Tuesday in November.  Today was the Grand Final for Australian…