Mormon Housewife or Career Woman?

What does a woman sacrifice when she becomes a mom?  Judging by some of the blogs I’ve been reading….everything….or nothing.  There’s a schizophrenic split between the ideal of rose tinted motherhood and the gray prison of los…

Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex versus the Nodes (Part One)

One of the questions that has already come up a number of times in the Soul Points class I’m teaching is, “Both the Vertex and the Nodes are sensitive relationship points that often feel destined, what’s the difference?” It’s assumed that contacts to both the Nodes (particularly the South Node) and the Vertex feel like […]

JFDI- Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter is in the last degree of Pisces & just a couple of days away from moving into Aries. Can you feel it? That change from nice idea to full steam ahead lets implement it tomorrow?
Jupiter in Aries. Just Flipping Do It. Check out the post Woman…

What is Democratic Socialism?

As I meandered around the Web this morning while watching the US-China PR mummery at the White House being shown on C-SPAN, I ran across Senator Bernie Sanders’ recent remarks on how Social Security benefits have nothing to do with the US deficit.Amen.Then I ran across a pdf that explains how Sen. Sanders labels himself: a Democratic Socialist.The whole warm-fuzzy political theater now on display

Washington DC iced in Today, Hu Jintao lands 1.18.11

It’s been years since I lived in the District of Columbia but if you do, you awoke today to major iced in conditions.Here in Georgia, we received a layer of crusty ice over several inches of snow last week, now it’s DC’s turn to slip’n’slide. Bridges are especially treacherous under these conditions yet I suppose President Hu Jintao, leader of the Communist Party in China, will be landing on US