Quintiles and Biquintiles

The quintile and biquintile are based on the division of a 360° circle by multiples of five. A quintile occurs between two planets that are 72° apart and the biquintile occurs between two planets that are 144° apart. If you keep dividing a 360° circle by multiples of five you will also find the virgintile […]

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27 Regardless of your romantic situation, the yearning for a deeply passionate connection burns its way into your heart like a branding iron. Not that you’d know to look at you. Serious and disciplined as you are, you’re wearing your poker face and going out of your way […]

Daily Planets Tuesday 28/9/10

What can I say? Taurus Moon…anyone out there comfort eating? Not even just a little?
Tomorrow morning will start much the same, but by just after 4pm (Sydney time) the Moon will have moved into Gemini and talk talk talkie will have replaced step …

New Posts Soon

I have to apologize for not posting more often. My father’s death has caused a lot of paperwork and reshuffling of things, and that, in addition to keeping up with the commitments I’ve made has got me a bit behind with posting. In the future there will be a continuing series on Chiron in synastry, […]

26 September 2010: Ain’t It Grand?

There’s a wonderful Grand Square formed (and while we consider this as a square, Pluto is also in the mix), soon to also be a Cross, involving the Nodes, Saturn/Sun, and Earth.Why wonderful? I’m not quite sure; it’s got a … Cont…

Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

For someone who wrote the book on where to draw the line, it may be uncharacteristically difficult for you to distinguish between friendship and intimacy. How can you be expected to keep friends and lovers straight when everyone looks so hot? It won’t escape your attention that some of them are responding to you in […]

Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

Everything you say bears a great deal of weight, so measure your words and be very clear that what you’re saying is what others (lovers especially) are hearing. It’s not that no one will take you seriously; it’s just that everyone else has got stars in their eyes at the moment. Example: You say that […]

Aquarius Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

You’re at work and you have to ask if it’s hot in here, or if it’s just you. There’s a flirty vibe afoot, and it’s either making you uncomfortable or delirious. You wonder if it would be inappropriate to suggest a nooner with that hottie making eyes at you, then you try to snap yourself […]

Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of September 27

Money: it’s like an albatross around your neck until you get clear that it’s just a form of energy – like love. Take that considerable mental energy that you’ve been gifted with to transform your limiting beliefs about how to acquire greater bounty. And remember that bounty comes in limitless forms, not just the almighty […]