Here’s an interesting presentation of NASA curiosity which details how the Hubble Telescope was pointed toward a sand-grain-sized ‘black patch in the sky’ for 10 days in 1996 and 11 days in 2004..and what was discovered!View if you may, then see if it reminds you too of what Jesus said to His disciples concerning such subjects: "In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would
The "lasting peace" of Woodrow Wilson
As a blueprint for ‘lasting peace’ in Europe after WWI, President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points were announced in his address to a Joint Session of Congress on Jan 8, 1918, and the idealism he displayed in his speech is said to have given him a position of moral leadership among the Allies, and provided encouragement to the Central Powers to surrender.Click the above link for more details and
Graphing the National Debt
Supply-siders revealed! Voo Doo Economics don’t work! Trickle Down is poppycock! There’s more behind America’s National Debt situation than most people care to admit – especially the GOP who rail against it only when Democrats are in charge.The graph begins with Ronald Reagan and morphs into his virtual sidekick, George W. Bush, which in my opinion is a very good place to start.Which reminds me:
Vote November 2! Meg Whitman video
This one’s for my California friends interested in keeping deep-pockets Meg Whitman out of their government!
The Astrology of Venus in Scorpio: Persephone and Pieces of Rose, Part 2
The Mother’s Story: Ceres/Demeter We often forget as women of a modern era that in the ancient world that as many 1 in a hundred women died from childbirth and as many as 30 infants died for 100 births. This … Continue reading →
Daily Planets Friday 8/10/10: Its Not You…Venus is Rx
As I write this my cocker spaniel has curled herself underneath my desk on my feet and is (not so) quietly snoring. Awwwww.
Mention has been made over the last few days of the New Moon (4.44am Sydney time). As with all New Moons this is the start of a …
The Ghosts of Relationships Past- Venus Rx
During any retrograde, we go inward for a time to process what that particular planet has to teach us. In the case of Venus, this is largely around money, relationships, trust and self esteem issues and our patterns, perceptions and habits in relation …
7 October 2010: New Moon in Libra ‘Balancing Ambitions, Discerning the Path’
The New Moon for October arrives at 11:43 AM PDT at 14 Libra 23. If we keep our usual strict 2 degree orb, an interesting pattern emerges, with asteroid Zeus conjunct the Sun and Moon, the Earth quincunx both Venus … Continue reading →
Rihanna and Katy Perry: BFFs or Frenemies? – Sun Trine Sun
Ladies, if you’re going to be a frenemy, at least wait until the other person’s out of earshot to turn all Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hater. Case in point: Rihanna and Katy Perry. Just a few weeks ago, Rihanna threw Perry the Vegas bachelorette party to end all bachelorette parties. (Tweeted Katy: “Signing up for […]
Campaign donors to Congress, Pluto opposite US n Sun
With November midterm 2010 upon us in short order, Mother Jones has published a helpful Campaign Cash Seating Chart showing who owns Congress, House and Senate.An interesting example is Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), the toadie who apologized to BP (poor things!) after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. One of Barton’s primary donors is Anadarko Petroleum, owner of 25% of BP’s…wait for it…Deepwater