Astrology of the NYU Library Suicide

On November 3rd at 4:30 AM the body of 20-year old student Andrew Williamson-Noble was found in the Bobst Library of New York University. He had leapt to his death from the tenth floor of the library. Andrew told friends he had been experiencing “depressing thoughts,” but what could have motivated him to take this final and irreversible step? Continue reading

Making Love Last: Mercury–It’s Our Story and We’re Sticking to It

Mercury is generally not thought of as a “relationship” planet. The planet of our thinking processes, business, commerce and communications, it just doesn’t fit in our notion of romance. At best it gets a glancing blow in composite and synastry chart readings. But we may have to revise our thinking on the importance of Mercury […]

Relationship Astrology: Making Love Last, Part 1–Your Relationship Style

In a country where well over 50% of marriages end in divorce, researchers have been looking into what makes love and marriages last. One researcher interviewed in depth over fifty couples that regarded their marriage as happy. Through this interview process she identified 4 relationship styles and 9 essential psychological tasks to creating a happy […]

August 16, 2009 ASC New Age Fair!

Mark the date! The Astrological Society of Connecticut New Age Fair will not disappoint. There will be lectures, vendors, and of course, readers of all kinds, from astrology to tarot cards. And this fair, yours truly will be among the readers. Because the readers are such popular feature, tickets to sign up for a reader […]

What’s a Blogger to Do?

Things were banging at Astrology Explored for July. I posted most days, got lots of page views and I was looking forward to the month’s wrap up so I could pat myself on the back. And what happened? The server inexplicably went dark! Nothing like blogging-interruptus to let a girl down! Last year a similar […]