Notes from the Transit Authority
The Essence for 13 April 2011: Hot, Salty Communication Freedom (+ Added Material)
1:30 AM PDT of the 13th the Moon trines retro Mercury, Fire to Fire. It may be easy to speak passionately–just remember that Jupiter is still relatively close to Merc, and may cause us to overdo or grossly exaggerate. Speak your truth, show your …
The MC/IC Axis
“Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone; for the heroes of all time have one before us, the labyrinth is fully known; we have only to follow the thread of the hero-path. And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.”
— Joseph Campbell (The Hero with a Thousand Faces)
Professional Writer
Astrology in real life
Your Career & the Cosmos- Burn Baby Burn
With all the fire energy in the sky today and the potential for tempers to run hot hot hot, I thought it would be a great time to re-post the link to this piece- complete with an interview with Five Foot Nothing. With the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn …
Neptune in Pisces: Earthquake And Hurricane
Tomorrow at 4 PM Pacific (1 PM Pacific) on Conquer The Universe With Astrology”: I’ll be discussing the Neptune in Pisces years. May God Have mercy on us all.
No, scratch that… may we all have mercy on each other. Maybe God has had quite enough of u…
Sun/Mercury Aspects
elf-identified tricksters. People who identify with for their thoughts. Over-identification with your own thoughts. Self-absorbed thought patterns. Thinking about yourself. Fusing together your identity and the way you think. Becoming overly fond of your own ideas. You are what you think. I think therefore I am. I am my thoughts. Thinking and being fused together. […]
Civil War Apr 12,1861: Midpt Pictures and Hidden Hands
Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?by Jude Cowell The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter.Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the
How Do You React Or Defend Yourself When Injured?
Astrology in real life
Why Pallas Athene is the Astrologer’s Asteroid
Pallas Athene from the Temple of Aphaia c.500 BCOne of the readers of this blog recently pointed out that pattern-recognition was a key component of astrology – and my tiny astrologer’s mind went click and then clickety click click. I got excited.Bec…