Daily Planets Sunday 27/2/11 Monkey Bites

Last night when I told my husband that a monkey bit me he said “that is the one thing i was really worried about.” Actually, it wasn’t. He worried about me wandering and getting lost. He worried about me getting cheated by money chang…

Daily Tarot, February 26, 2011: Relative Ruin

Astrology Meets Tarot! I was talking to a client who also reads card for others. She was talking about a recent gig, noting an absence of the light and frivolous.
"It’s heavy out there! Every single one of these people were facing life-alter…

The Aries Point: Cardinal Signs And The Seasons

“That’s my baby: She can be all four seasons in one day.”
–StingThe term “The Aries Point” at its core refers to the position of zero degrees Aries. It is the one degree position out of 360 in the zodiac. If you have a planet between zer…