Breaking News: House Passes 2011 Spending-Cut Deal

NPR BREAKING NEWS: House Passes 2011 Spending-Cut Deal House passes spending measure cutting $38 billion, funding government through September. More at NPR.Update: the Senate passed it, too so ‘the deal’ is headed for President Obama’s desk for signing.Don’t we wish we could feel thrilled at what a good job our alleged representatives have done?

Radiation Cloud a Risk to US (video link) and Japan’s natal chart data

NewsMax is reporting that a radiation cloud wafting across the sea from Japan’s nuclear meltdown at *Fukushima would indeed pose health risks to the US West Coast and Hawaii, says Dr. Russell Blaylock.My feeling is that the contamination wouldn’t end on the West Coast especially with radiation already showing up in the water of several US cities including Philadelphia. And last time I looked,

Aspects In Your Birth Chart

Sometimes you just want to know what it means if your Moon squares your Saturn.  Are you a buzz kill or just realistic?  It won’t give you the whole picture but maybe all you want is a bit of information.  … Continue reading →