About Being A Misfit And More On Falling From Grace

Astrology in real lifeThis morning’s episode reminded me of another time I quite confusedly fell from grace. I was in 3rd grade at the time, and really proud about it. I was proud because I was starting 3rd grade when I was 6 years because I was …

Government Shutdown New Moon 3.4.11 w Shutdown 1995

Thinking of a potential government shutdown on March 4, 2011 if Washington politicians can’t do any better, I searched for info on the last time they came to outs (with the rest of us stuck in the middle.)Government shutdown 1995 actually occurred in two clumps: Nov 14 through Nov 19, 1995 and from Dec 16, 1995 to Jan 6, 1996. I remember the disgust we-the-people felt that they couldn’t do things

Falling From Grace

I have a lifelong habit of falling from grace.  I don’t think this can be avoided with a chart like mine, with Neptune on the Midheaven among other things. I am always nervous when people elevate me in some way … Read More…

Jeez Louise And Holy Cow!

My eye on the skyIt has been an intense couple of days! The Moon has been in Scorpio but other than that, I point to the group of planets leaving the last sign, Pisces for the first sign, Aries.
On the Scorpio front, I saw the Astro Dispatch flat-line…

Daily Tarot, February 24, 2011: Homegrown Expertise

Astrology Meets Tarot! It didn’t take very long dabbling in tech work to find out "the expert" is the one who knows more than the person asking. That made me an expert very quickly to a lot of people. But I wouldn’t take on the ti…

Are You On Track? My Saturn Transit

“You might come here Sunday on a whim. Say your life broke down. The last good kiss you had was years ago.”
-Richard Hugo, “Degrees of Grey in Philipsburg”There’s a moment that I want to write about, the moment when your l…

Under The Scorpio Moon: Chills

Astrology in real lifeThis post is for old-timers and others who can hitchhike.
I’ve been going to the same hair salon for many years. I had a double Gemini stylist do my hair for a number of years until she finally retired to work exclusively in…