Ryan Phillippe and Amanda Seyfried: Mars Sextile Venus

Not long ago, we were all, Yay, super-stud Ryan Phillippe! Yay for getting together with adora-blonde Amanda Seyfried! You guys should kiss on the mouth and hold hands and fall in hearts and make teh babiez! Now, we’re reeling it in a little, because sweet hey-zoos in heaven, that Phillippe is one slippery character. Just […]

Rallies Across America: We Are All Wisconsin (2.26.11)

This pass-along arrived in a MoveOn Newsletter and it sounds like a great idea for American workers to rally this Saturday (Feb 26) in support of those in Wisconsin now on the front lines. Besides, the front lines are arriving soon to a pension or paycheck near you:50-State Mobilization to Save the American DreamCalling all students, teachers, union members, workers, patriots, public servants,

Voice Mail, Texting, Email, Phone…Circa 2011

Ask the collectiveNow that Saturn has wrapped up in Virgo I thought it might be interesting to take stock of where we are as far as communications go. For one thing, voice mail is dead.  If you want to piss someone off, leave them a voice mail. You …

Gemini, Aquarius And Sci-Fi: Astrology Of A Haircut

“Change the speed, alter the mood, Electrify the boys and girls! If you would be so kind!”
–Castor, Tron LegacyI don’t think I’ve ever looked at the chart for doing a haircut before; this is a first. It’s also my first time cutting …