Single Forever? I Don’t Think So.

Check out my latest Sasstrology article: “I have Saturn in my 7th House. Am I doomed to be single forever?” I’ve been asked this question so many times that I’ve decided to write a response. The short answer is no. … Continue reading →

John Wheeler death a "targeted hit" says widow

Here’s a recent update on the mysterious December 2010 murder of former White House aide and bioweapons expert John P. Wheeler reporting his widow’s opinion that her husband’s murder was a professional "targeted hit".And she and the Wheeler family have been treated like "criminals" during the police ‘investigation’! Mr. Wheeler’s body was apparently thought to be permanently hidden in a dumpster,

Kenny Rogers – The Great Mediator

Hopefully Coherent Ramblings Yesterday I started telling you about “Cousin Gerard” and our trip to see where Arnold works here.
It was January of ‘06. Mercury was conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius and Mars was opposite Jupiter at the tim…

Under The Scorpio Moon: The Creeping Dread

Astrology in real life.I woke up this morning with what I call the creeping dread.  Sure enough, the Moon is in Scorpio aspecting Pluto and planets in Pisces. That ought to do it, eh?
The creeping dread is familiar enough but with Mars and Neptune asp…

Daily Planets Wednesday 23/2/11 Christchurch

The last time I was in Christchurch was actually my very 1st trip to NZ. I have been back many times, in fact almost annually, but this was the first and like all firsts, special. It was September 2003 and the three of us did a roadtrip around the Sou…

Secondary Progressions One Beginning in Two Weeks

Secondary Progressions are absolutely crucial to any natal chart interpretation. They’re the ‘why’ behind the ‘who’ of the natal chart and the ‘what’ of the transits. Without a correct interpretation of secondaries, we have no focus, no perspective on personal development nor on our spiritual evolution. For those of you new to the field, more […]