Horror in Tucson, plus the Spring EQ 2011 Horoscope

Though we’re in the Winter Solstice 2010 season now with its rare Lunar Eclipse (both at crisis or critical degrees which presaged Saturday’s Horror in Tucson), recent events in the political realm such as the time and money wasting 112th Congress opening on January 5, 2011, the mystery of thousands of dead birds and other animals, Phosgene and the possibly related murder of bio-weapons expert

Newsletter 9/1/11

What a week! Some huge highs & some lows that were…well, about as low as it is possible to be….and when you have a watery Moon, that is a similar depth to those oceans where scientists go to find giant squid and other one eyed monsters …

Newsletter 9/1/11

What a week! Some huge highs & some lows that were…well, about as low as it is possible to be….and when you have a watery Moon, that is a similar depth to those oceans where scientists go to find giant squid and other one eyed monsters …

Denise Richards and Nikki Sixx: Sun Sextile Venus

If you took all of Denise Richards’ and Nikki Sixx’s ex-es and corralled them in a room, it’d look like next season’s casting call for VH1’s Celebrity Rehab. (Either that, or the Dumb Tattoo Expo.) What with his debauched glory days in Mötley Crüe (and her ordeal with Charlie Sheen), these two have each had […]

112th Congress = "Swords" vs "Torches"?

In his weekly radio address today President Obama has called for Republicans to stop their symbolic battles, battles which seem to this blogger to be meant in part as a salve to the Tea Partisans watching GOPers closely for backtracking on their promises to do things differently than Congress’ previous sorriness.And the millions of dollars that GOP ‘symbolism’ has cost the US taxpayer during only