Overview The Sun and Mars unite in Aquarius on February 2nd, emphasizing ego, freedom and rebellion. Events will be unpredictable and tempers short. Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 4th, urging us all to take a step back and look … Con…
Astro-Details of John Wheeler’s ‘last seen alive’ moment
Bio-weapons expert John Wheeler was last seen alive on surveillance camera walking in downtown Wilmington, Delaware on the evening of December 30, 2010. You’ll note that a subtle hint of motive is inserted at the end of the article – that Mr. Wheeler was last seen walking toward "the East Side, a low-income neighborhood known as a hot spot for crime."Yet knowing the town so well, why in the world
Bio-weapons expert John Wheeler died of "blunt force trauma"
Turns out all those diverting ‘he was disoriented’ – ‘maybe ill’ offerings from talking heads about the mysterious death of bio-weapons expert John P. Wheeler, a former presidential aide and Pentagon man, were not factors directly involved in his murder. But blunt force trauma was. Makes sense really because no matter how much ‘toxicology’ one may indulge in or how ‘disoriented’ one may be, it’s
Istanbul Trip
I shall be in Istanbul from the 20 to 25 February. If you’d like to book a consultation or arrange a pop-up astrology event, get in touch.
Love Horoscope for the Week of January 31
Not only is there a New Moon in experimental Aquarius, but it also ushers in the Chinese New Year, in the sign of the rabbit.
30 January 2011: On the Hunt
Oh Mars/ Ceres! You’re together in Aquarius–and that implies that if the mentalities can align their approach, two warriors (for that’s what they are–isn’t every mother?) can mow down any opposition with little resistance. Internally this can…
Are You A Last Page Peeker or Just Being Efficient?
There are two types of people in the world:
Those who like to sneak a peek at the last page of a novel &
Those who don’t
I fall very firmly & unapologetically into the first category…and yet I am not the type who sneaks a look at Xmas pre…
AQ New Moon 2.2.11 and Leo Full Moon 2.18.11
Our February 2011 Lunationsby Jude CowellImage: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 – see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.Neptune 27AQ51 continues
29 January 2011: Keeping Our Balance
The story here is a slew of bodies posited within just 56 degrees, starting with the Moon at 13 Sagittarius as the 29th begins here in the Pacific time zone. …
Nothing Will Be The Same
During the 1980s there was a mash up of planets in Capricorn: Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. People born around that time will be in their early twenties now and you can bet they’ll be feeling this Pluto transit through Capricorn. … Contin…