The February New Moon is at 13 Aquarius 53 at 6:29 PM Pacific on the 2nd. We have some very interesting aspects within our 2 degree orb. The Sun and Moon are flanked like royalty (a tribute from the balancing … Continue reading →
Daily Planets Wednesday 2/2/11 What a Difference a Week Makes
What a difference a week makes!
This time last week I couldn’t see an end to the job we have been doing up here in Brisbane. After a week of crisis management & retrieving what could be retrieved from a flood inundation, the clean up was abou…
Aquarius New Moon: Year of the Full Metal Rabbit
Hail the Aquarius New Moon (Feb. 2, 6:31 pm PST) and the Chinese Year of the Rabbit! I confess that I know next to nothing about Chinese astrology, but over the years I’ve been baffled by descriptions of the alleged gentleness and delicacy of tho…
Monthly horoscopes: February
This month I’m focusing on how you can take advantage of Jupiter’s move into fiery Aries for a half-year sojourn. Click here for the scopes.
2011: Springtime of the Peoples
Set during the Paris uprising of 1848, Flaubert’s novel Sentimental Education explores lessons in love and friendship. It was published some 20 years after the events.I’ve been thinking about the planet Neptune’s ingress into Pisces a lot over the past…
Black Hole Venus: Love Crazy or Crazy Love?
Do you have trouble with frequent romantic turnover or establishing lasting relationships? If so, the problem might be Black Hole Venus.
Will globalists install ElBaradei to rule Egypt? (video)
The following video presentation from The Alex Jones Show of January 30, 2011 may contain controversial remarks and, as usual, this lone blogger cannot endorse each word spoken in the presentation. But I do agree that ex-pat Mohamed ElBaradei is not the leader the majority of the Egyptian people want or need and I’m not certain how much of an improvement over Mubarak’s regime he would be if his ‘
Astrology and the Skeptics: An Open Letter to Dr. Rebekah Higgitt
(Astrology Explored) Dr. Rebekah Higgitt, Curator of History of Science and Technology National Maritime Museum and Royal Observatory Greenwich, UK Dear Dr. Higgitt, Recently in an BBC television show, two scientists proclaimed that “astrology was rubbish” prompting an article by … Continue reading →
The Latest from Sasstrology
Love Horoscope for the Week of January 31 Not only is there a New Moon in experimental Aquarius, but it also ushers in the Chinese New Year, in the sign of the rabbit. Is there a greater fertility totem in the animal kingdom? Perhaps you’d like to give some meaningful consideration as to how you […]
31 January 2011: The Seminal Moment
Today the Sun and Ceres are conjunct, and the Moon’s conjunction to Pallas, followed by her square to Saturn (noon to 4 PM Pacific) all emphasize the same theme: issues of who knows best, who holds authority, and who’s in … Continue reading &…