At 5:19 EST today, Mercury – aka the cosmic messenger – will exit conservative Capricorn and move into revolutionary Aquarius until February 21. Now, personally, I think that Mercury in Aquarius quickens the mind – for better or worse. And some ast…
Gipper Worship Alert: 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth 2.6.11
Gipper Much?by Jude CowellThe Reagan Ruins by Robert Borosage gives a much clearer picture of ‘the Gipper’ than you’ll find by hanging about with conservatives (formerly known as ‘compassionate conservatives’ but these days, their true personalities are showing) or by watching FOX News.In August 2009, I published an image of Reagan’s first Inauguration horoscope with details, if you’re game. The
Ron Paul on the Lew Rockwell Show 2.2.11 (audio)
Rep. Ron Paul holds the first hearing of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee he’ll now be chairing on February 9, 2011 and here he speaks with Lew Rockwell on several topics such as the Fed (and how they’re appearing on lots of shows and writing defensive pieces of late, poor things!), changes that must come in US monetary policy, how you have to have cutbacks in empire, not just the welfare state,
Standing Apart in Aquarius
Right now the Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune and Chiron are all piled up in Aquarius. This covers a lot of bases: ego (Sun), emotion (Moon), will and desire (Mars), soul (Neptune) and wounds (Chiron). Aquarius has a reputation for being … Continue …
John Wheeler murder case: $25,000 reward offered for info
Family of slain ex-Pentagon official wants info is quite a mild headline considering that search warrants and other information have been sealed by Attorney General Beau Biden’s office and Newark police in the investigation into the mysterious death of John P. Wheeler, whose body was found in a Wilmington Delaware landfill on December 31, 2010.The excessive sealing of information reflects the
Annette Bening and Warren Beatty: Mars Sextile Jupiter
Not only is Annette a top-notch actress and a caring mom, but she also managed to tame the beast that is Warren Beatty.
New Moon in Aquarius Forecast for All 12 Zodiac Signs
A New Moon opens up a portal in which to metaphorically plant your seeds of intention for the coming four weeks. With a whopping five celestial bodies all camped out in Aquarius right now, this is a rare moment to imagine your brightest future. Aquariu…
Happiness Project (11) Aquarius New Moon: Form Your Own Mastermind Group
(photo: qthomasbower @ flickr)Aquarius New Moon occurs on February 2nd, 2011 at 9:31PM EST (US)The strength of Capricorn archetype is that it doesn’t mind working alone to get things done. Taken to the extreme, however, this could create a loner …
Happiness Project (11) Aquarius New Moon: Form Your Own Mastermind Group
(photo: qthomasbower @ flickr)Aquarius New Moon occurs on February 2nd, 2011 at 9:31PM EST (US)The strength of Capricorn archetype is that it doesn’t mind working alone to get things done. Taken to the extreme, however, this could create a loner …
Happiness Project (11) Aquarius New Moon: Form Your Own Mastermind Group
(photo: qthomasbower @ flickr)Aquarius New Moon occurs on February 2nd, 2011 at 9:31PM EST (US)The strength of Capricorn archetype is that it doesn’t mind working alone to get things done. Taken to the extreme, however, this could create a loner …