Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

Gentle one: you’re morphing into a little firecracker right before our eyes. With that in mind, be careful how you use that powerful energy welling up from inside. It packs a lot of punch. You’re one of the least likely souls to resort to physical displays of aggression; but you’re also one of the few […]

Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

You’ve never had a better time than now for reaching out to the one you love. You’re linked in mind and spirit, and there’s potential for far greater intimacy between you than you’ve enjoyed in a long time. Even talking about relationship issues – often anticipated with fear – can bring you closer together. If […]

Pisces Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

It’s time to play follow the leader. But wait, you’re the leader! Surprised? Come now, you’ve been preparing for your moment in the spotlight for a good long time. All eyes are focused on you now, so rise to any challenges with the wisdom you’ve accrued this year, and accept your accolades graciously. Meanwhile, in […]

Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

We have not had a week as placid as this for many a month. This offers everyone a chance to simmer in the intensity of Scorpio’s energy without getting burnt. There’s also the possibility of a fresh start, whether you’re old-time lovers or looking for the next big thing. But don’t just sit there waiting […]

Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

Much of what you’re experiencing is unfolding in a subtle way, internally. If it’s love you desire, you need to create some kind of template for that in your mind before venturing out to find it in another person. Whatever visions you conjure up there will eventually take form. But bear in mind that some […]

Gemini Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

You’ve got a lot to say – more so than usual! Just be aware that your words carry extra intensity now. Though your intentions are honorable, try to resist adding too much color to your commentary. The folks at work are especially likely to take your every word as the gospel truth. And let’s face […]

Newsletter 31/10/10 Martinis & Olives

As I write this I am sipping on a martini prepared for me by my dear hubby- possibly because I have been working my sizeable backside off all weekend, possibly because I gave in & let him buy the large screen plasma that he has been wanting or poss…

Daily Planets Monday 1/11/10

I have spent the last couple of days trying to rid my kitchen of ants. On the upside, the pantry is super clean, so perhaps it was the Universes’ way of getting me to de-clutter that part of the house next. My tupperware shelf is orderly (I&#821…

The Daily Planets

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Sunday is governed by the Sun, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the star of our solar system.October 31: Sun in Scorpio – How Deep Is Your Bowl?Now that the Sun has moved into Scorpi…

October Surprise a false flag? Nov midterms 2010

With corporate media’s panties in a bunch over what may be only a false flag op staged by a US government frightened that establishment candidates may be kicked out of Washington on November 2, we may wish to consider an alternate news source concerning the bombs-that-weren’t-then-were bombs on planes heading to America.And of course, tightening airport security always follows these episodes no