The Cosmos is quite happy to kick your butt into gear, right at the start of the week.
The Essence for 6 February 2011: Irritable, but Conscientious, All At Once
Void begins 11:48 AM PST, as the Moon pulls away from her opposition to Juno; Moon enters Aries at 2:46 PM Pacific. The Aries Moon likely makes us feisty, charges us up–but if we’re already enervated and tuckered out, it … Continue re…
Short Skirt Long Jacket- Venus in Capricorn
I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what’s best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who’s fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
Horoscopes for February 6th to February 13th: It’s All About The Bottom Line
Overview Venus and Pluto meet in Capricorn on February 9th, indicating a transformation of what’s been established. It could be painful or thrilling, depending on how ready you are to evolve. Venus represents what we love, what we want and &#…
Art and Astrology: Aquarian Self-portraits
Aquarius is the sign of the avant-garde – and who could be more emblematic of the avant garde than Edouard Manet. Some of his paintings are still kind of shocking when you think about it.Dejeuner sur L’Herbe scandalised Paris when it was exhibited in…
Bush cancels Swiss visit to avoid protests and arrest
They Once Called It Treasonby Jude CowellNow this is the sort of news I delight in hearing: that George W. Bush (the decider) has decided to cancel his plans to speak in Switzerland on February 12th due to the threat of protests and the potential arrest of his war criminal self.Wonder if he’ll return their check? If he was paid by direct deposit, good luck to them trying to claw back their
Daily Planets Sunday 6/2/11 On Watery Stuff
Today has been about water. Which isn’t that inappropriate given that the Moon is now in Pisces:
After a few weeks away & living out of a suitcase, there was one hell of a lot of washing to do. And that doesn’t include what has managed…
The Essence for 5 February: Wistful but Assertive, with a Chance of Rain
Note Mars conj. Sun trine Saturn, making the aggressive, assertive, and ego-led impulses especially felt (and especially effective). Think carefully about the impact you want to have, as you will …
North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo, By House
North Node Aquarius 1st House/ South Node Leo 7th House No longer needing other people to entertain you. Learning to express your individuality. Learning to approach life as experiment. Giving yourself the opportunity to try things to “see what happens.” No longer needing the royal treatment from other people. Learning to go off and do
The Essence for 4 January 2011 ‘Do It For Yourself’
‘The Gift’ by Marguerite Gerard c.1785 {{PD-Art}} We need to remember that Venus at 00 CAP is sesquiquadrate Earth, making for some excellent opportunities to asset the Self (Leo) in ways that will affect the material situation surrounding …