27 January 2011: “Don’t Speak!”

This is how “Don’t speak!” should play out 1:30 AM PST we see the Moon sextile Capricorn Mercury–is it just me, or does this feel like an instance of banging our emotional heads against a stone wall? The Scorpio Moon … Continu…

Robert Scheer’s ‘Hogwash, Mr. President’ (SOTU 2011)

Glad I found Robert Scheer’s article Hogwash, Mr. President because it sums up (in a way I would if I could) the primary debate on President Obama’s State of the Union address of last evening, sans distractions and trivialities.Some writers I’ve read today talk about ‘the things he didn’t say’ and other such topics and naturally they identify several weaknesses or admissions in the presidential

Saturn Retrograde- Getting Your Shit Together

It is often said that planets become more emphasised when they are retrograde ie appear to be going backwards from the perspective of us here on Earth. Personally, I find that simply terrifying when it comes to Saturn- although many of you won’t …

Paul Ryan’s Sun-Moon blend and his response to SOTU 2011

Transcript and audio of SOTU 2011 @ NPR.Are you trying to remember who Paul Ryan (R-WI) is and where he came from? So was I until my friend Alex D’Atria sent me this excerpt from Katrina vanden Heuvel’s article in The Washington Post explaining Ryan’s past connections and where he got that little ole insulated viewpoint of his.Excerpt:Ryan is an Ayn Rand-quoting zealot, one of the Republican

Poll: How Do You Rate SOTU 2011?

February 1, 2011 seemed a good time to close the voting for SO’W’s brand new poll spurred by President Obama’s State of the Union Address this evening. That’s six days which the talking heads, reporters, and bloggers can use up in a jiffy as they parse, dissect, and critique.Why not weigh in with your early ‘gut’ reaction to SOTU 2011 while you’re here?The poll is located in the sidebar just

Jupiter And Your Moon in Aries

If your Moon is in Aries you’ll be getting a boost from Jupiter. The planet of possibility is transiting through Aries between now and June.  Jupiter expands your sense of potential and when it passes over your Moon (emotions) this … Conti…