24 January 2011: Heed the Whisper

By 2 AM Pacific a trine of the Libra Moon to Mars, and a square to Pluto, bring an interesting energy combo forward: we are rarin’ to go in partnership and/ or artistic matters, but something destructive rears its ugly … Continue reading →

The Protocols of Zion & the Stone of Destiny

Not for the shy and retiring, and to be avoided by all shrinking violets, here’s a modern English translation of the much balley-hooed, often discredited only to rise in popularity again, the Protocols of Zion. Or Sion. Or Knights of Malta. Or Queen Elizabeth II and her kin supposedly descended from King David whose son Solomon, though wise in his heyday, resorted to practicing occultism and

SOTU Address 1.25.11, then Saturn’s Rx Station

Virgo, sign of Work, Service, and Health, will be rising on Wednesday night, Jan 25, 2011, when President Obama begins the second State of the Union Address of his presidency. We have President Woodrow Wilson to thank for returning us to the auspiciousness of giving the SOTU out loud for a joint session of Congress and the rest of us.You may wish to read a few astro-details here. (Apparently, Mr.

Tunisia’s National Chart

This is the chart I used for my analysis of the Tunisian Uprising in the previous post. It’s dated for the founding of the Tunisian Republic and it includes progressions and current transits from the outer planets. Click on it to see it larger.

To Moon in Capricorn

  Ever notice how you measure out How you carefully dole out Your love to me? And then sometimes you forget That you believe in loving in a calculated way And lay your heart bare to me? But you quickly redress that lapse When you remember Even love needs to be studiously invested Then you […]

23 January 2011: Don’t Let It Be Regret

Just after 1 AM PST the Moon trines Sedna, making it easy to lose touch with our emotions. The atmosphere stays a little nebulous (and so do our feelings) until around 11 AM PST, when the Moon opposes Uranus, quincunxes … Continue reading →

Newsletter 23/1/11

I have no idea what to write today- it has been a big big week. I figure I have about another 2 weeks to go & then hopefully things will settle back down. In the meantime, I am back working out of Brisbane next week. On the upside things are coming…

North Node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini, By House

North Node Sagittarius 1st House/ South Node Gemini 7th House Becoming more of a risk taker in everything you do. Approaching life as an adventure. Approaching life as an explorer. Becoming the sage personified. Moving away from concerns about the day to day distractions of relationships. Becoming more concerned with broadening your outlook. Getting an