Another Horary- St Kilda Can Bust

Warning- this is one for the astro-peeps- technical warning ahead.
In being unable to do anything constructive except groan, faint and look pale & interesting over the last 24 hours, I had to get my daughter to update a friends’ Facebook…

Daily Planets Sunday 3/10/10- Being Bored

This nearly didn’t get written today…I have been between bed and bathroom for the last 24 hours with what can only be described as a tummy flu that is man sized in severity. What has made it worse is that every single muscle in my body has …

Number 3 on the BlogList- OMG OMG OMG!

How the flip did this happen??? Number 3 on Best Astrology Blogs- check out the site for other (more worthy) sites than mine. Thanks to everyone who reads my ramblings daily- it means so much that you do.

Green comet’s close encounter w Earth Oct 20, 2010

Time to look up! And NASA is sending Deep Impact for a closer peek…Space Weather News for Oct 1, 2010APPROACHING COMET: Green comet 103P/Hartley 2 is approaching Earth for a close encounter on Oct 20th. At that time, the comet will be only 11 million miles (0.12 AU) from our planet and should be dimly visible to the naked eye from dark sky sites. It already looks great through backyard

1-2 October 2010: A Cancerian Mandate

The Cancer Moon is between engagements at the moment, with her next contact not coming until 4:30 AM of the morrow PDT, and that with quincunxes to the very close conjunction (only 24 minutes apart, at that point) of Neptune … Continue reading &#…

Synastry Studies: Chiron, an Overview

This is part one of an occasional series on Chiron in Synastry. I’ve already addressed Chiron/Venus here, and will be going through inter-aspects of Chiron with all of the relationship planets, the lights, and some interesting sensitive points. This is a little overview of Chiron’s function in a chart in terms of partnership. I’ve had […]

Obama plugs Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cBBQ & A<a>www.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Check out Jon’s report, if you missed it, because his optimistic Rally’s title was changed by President Obama while he was speaking to some American school kids, says the erstwhile Sagittarian comedian and social commentator, Mr. Stewart.