Saturn’s Retrograde

The Old Man turns around at 10:09 PM Pacific Time tonight, the 25th, from his position at 17 Libra 13. What should we expect? Nothing will necessarily happen right away; the retrograde of the slower bodies tends to sneak up … Continue reading &#8…

25 January 2011: ‘The Invisible Man’

From 10 PM of the 24th right through 5 AM PST of the 25th, the Moon and Venus form the base of a Finger of God with apex Sedna. It’s like those old ‘Invisible Man’ movies, where once the bandages … Continue reading →

CA Treasurer denounces State Bankruptcy as "baloney"

An open statement has arrived in my Inbox from Sacramento, CA:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2011Contact: Tom Dresslar/916.653.2995 Treasurer Lockyer Criticizes Effort to Let States File for Bankruptcy PDFSACRAMENTO State Treasurer Bill Lockyer today issued the following statement regarding reports about a possible move in Congress to let states declare bankruptcy: "To the folks in Congress

Chomsky: Peak Oil, Climate Change, Tea Partisans (video)

For rational, realistic perspectives on Global Warming (aka, Climate Change) and Peak Oil, try this 20 minute 4 second video first broadcast on January 3, 2011 by The Nation magazine. For me, it’s a birthday present I’m just now receiving! A Solar Eclipse for a birthday gift was nice, too. So far.Anyway, Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, and others offer reasoned views on the important matters at hand –

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of January 24 The cosmic picture has shifted considerably, thanks to the Sun’s arrival in Aquarius and Jupiter’s entry into Aries. It would be so easy to wade into the deep end of narcissism, because Jupiter amplifies the Aries archetype, which relates to me, myself and I. Enter Saturn to […]