Katy Perry and Russell Brand: Venus Sextile Pluto

Looks like Katy Perry has officially tamed the wild, cheeky beast that is Russell Brand: the couple got hitched in a lavish, three-day Hindu ceremony at a wildlife sanctuary outside of Jaipur, India over the weekend. Ever since Katy got together with Russell at the 2009 VMAs, we’ve been waiting to see if this random […]

The Daily Planets

Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Wednesday is governed by Mercury, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the Winged Messenger. October 27: Mercury in ScorpioNow that Mercury has moved into Scorpio’s realm, he takes on …

Got Obama Disappointment? US Neptune = Obama’s Mars

Writing in The Independent, Johann Hari presents The Real Reason Obama Has Let Us All Down (which translates into a Saturn vs Neptune face-off.)Now I agree with the basic ideas Mr. Hari poses yet it seems to me that GOP undermining from Day One has something to do with how the Obama presidency has not been as effectual as most of us wanted it to be by now. The legendary American impatience is

26 October 2010: Pairing Off

Right now it’s all about pairs (or groups) of energies that are working together, putting a special blend of their unique qualities out there–and that’s confusing, as we think we know what we’re dealing with, only to find some f…

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Scorpio (Much)

Roughly a metric buttload (what? it’s a measurement!) of planets are currently moving through Scorpio, and people can’t stop talking about it. Of course, it doesn’t take much to get people talking about Scorpio. We’re fascinated…

Introduction to Vesta

People with a strong Vesta placement will almost always have an unusual expression of sexuality. Their relationship lives will ‘just be different’ than the people they know: the typical models of romance don’t quite work, and they will wonder why.