Pluto’s Vulnerabilities

There’s a new post over at ‘Been There, Done That’ on Pluto, in the ‘What You’re Asking’ series.

Democracy Now! interviews Ralph Nader 11.2.10

Listening now to Amy Goodman’s interview with Ralph Nader, I was moved to check out Mr. Nader’s website and found two articles he’s just mentioned: one about corporate serfdom, the other with Ten Questions for the Tea Party.When Corporations Are the Government is one of Nader’s articles that I intend to read after I motor back from the city…and his latest book is entitled Only the Super-Rich

2 November 2010: Emotional Issues

Retro Venus, Mars, and Pluto/NN are the core of the action today and early tomorrow–the Will, personal action urge, and aggressive energies will be fired up (likely unconsciously) and the challenge is to understand that what seems like a perfectl…

Midterm 2010 Voting in Kansas is Nov 2 not Nov 3!

Here is the first obvious case of voter fraud I’ve found so far today where robocalls have been telling Kansas citizens to show up with proof of home ownership on Wednesday November 3!Yet I have faith that all the good citizens of Kansas have been paying closer attention to our election process than to fall for a Republican trick of that illegal nature.Sounds like someone running in Kansas needs

Your Attraction Profile: Who You Attract And Why

Think about your love life. Notice any patterns? The way you act around someone you’re attracted to. The type of person you’re attracted to. The type of person that always seems to be attracted to you. Put it all together and you have an attraction profile. Can you see this profile by looking at your […]

A Horse Race and a Horary

The race that stops a nation has been run and won…but not by anything I had my money on. Is Australia the only country in the world where everything- Parliament, normal business, everything stops for a few minutes at 3pm Daylight Davings Time on the…

The Daily Planets

*Image courtesy of CBC’s Shaun MerrittSince Tuesday is governed by Mars, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on this feisty red planet. November 2: Mars Went into Sagittarius and All I Got Was This Lousy MayorThe heavenly kaleido…

On Karl Rove’s subpoena (video) and Pluto/NN

Trying to catch up after having out-of-town guests this weekend is proving difficult for I’ve missed a lot of politickin’ the last 3 or 4 days. But you know I have to begin by posting this video concerning the October 24, 2010 serving of a subpoena upon Karl Rove, that warmongering goose stepper I adore despising for the lies he’s helped perpetrate upon our nation and the lives his ambition has