Daily Planets Saturday 30/10/10 Ant Music

I have ants marching up and down my kitchen. It is one of my least favourite things about Sydney summers (along with red back spiders & humidity).
My kitchen benches are as clean as they can possibly be due to repeated cleaning to get rid of the F…

Larger Than Life: Mars in Sagittarius

There’s this astro joke about what each sun sign would say after a one night stand. For Sagittarius this would be something like:
Let’s do it bungy style next time…
Sagittarius is a fire sign, so burns hot. A mutable sign, he sparks quickly….

The Daily Planets

Since Friday is governed by Venus, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of love and money. October 29: Venus retrograde conjunct Sun in ScorpioVenus retrograde in Scorpio has been joined by the Sun, which stirs creativ…

Some Random Stuff

Hi there, just checking in with some random stuff.
Firstly, posts may be a little thinner in frequency over the next month or so. I have signed up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) so have committed to attempting to write a 50000 word 1st dr…

Mars in Sagittarius Refrigerator Poetry

Mars entered Sagittarius last night – and there the warrior planet shall mount his crusade, tilting at windmills astride a fiery steed, through December 7. Are you feeling Mars’ primal vigor colliding with Sagittarius’ good-natured enthusiasm…

Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Aquarius Compatibility

The Venus in Sagittarius/Mars in Aquarius couple is like a tag team, each partner complementing the other almost perfectly as they speed through life with a spirit of adventure. Both share an affinity for the wild and free, and more than anything, don’t want to be tied down. Freedom – for both of them – […]

Daily Planets 29/10/10 Finding Something to Jump Off

OK, I know I have been a tad busier than usual this week, but how did I miss Mars going into Sagittarius? As I write this he is at 0Sag24′ ie just into it.
This changes the climate markedly. In Scorpio Mars is focused and intense. In Scorpio Mar…

The Daily Planets

Since Thursday is governed by Jupiter, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of bounty.October 28: Jupiter and Mars – Deeds Not Words!As Jupiter retrograde sits on the 24th degree of idealistic Pisces, he remains in a…

Solar Eclipses: 2010 = 1992

Being in the remiss I have rushed here to post a link from Oct 20, 2010 (in case you missed Amy Goodman’s report and haven’t had a chance or the heart to keep up w the massive mortgage fraud perpetrated in America by the very same big banks we-the-people gave all those mega-bucks to) on Democracy Now!Sea-ruler and dissolver, watery toxic Neptune has been washing over and over US natal Moon (