The Power & the Passion- Pt2

On Grand Designs Australia the other night the story centred around the reconstruction of a very special house in Gippsland. Reconstruction because the house was completely destroyed in the Black Saturday Bushfires of January 2009- after having been c…

The Daily Planets

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Sunday is governed by the Sun, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the star of our solar system.October 24: Sun in ScorpioThe Sun has now left Libra for a year, and shines his Light into …

Digging Up the Dirt- Mercury in Scorpio

It’s Date Night. Five Foot Nothing (FFN) has been deposited at Camp Grandma and Scorpio Hubby (SH) and I are walking up and down the line of restaurants trying to come to an agreement on somewhere to eat.
Me: This place looks nice. Lots of things I

The Daily Planets

Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Saturday is governed by Saturn, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of stabilization.October 23: Saturn Stands AloneMercury has flown from Libra’s airy realm, and the Sun i…

Impeach Justice Roberts over Citizens United?

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is talking big about the potential of impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts whose only-an-umpire status touted (aka, lied about) at his confirmation hearing has been seriously undercut by 2010’s democracy-numbing Citizens United decision which has allowed the flooding of the November 2010 midterms with obscene amounts of money from unnamed, foreign sources and

Daily Planets Saturday 23/10/10: About Last Night

As I write this we are just a few hours away from a Full Moon. With Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto (adding an extra burst of Scorpio to Mercury) and Venus retrograde in Scorpio as well, now is a great time to have those relationship discussions an…