26 October 2010: Pairing Off

Right now it’s all about pairs (or groups) of energies that are working together, putting a special blend of their unique qualities out there–and that’s confusing, as we think we know what we’re dealing with, only to find some f…

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Scorpio (Much)

Roughly a metric buttload (what? it’s a measurement!) of planets are currently moving through Scorpio, and people can’t stop talking about it. Of course, it doesn’t take much to get people talking about Scorpio. We’re fascinated…

Introduction to Vesta

People with a strong Vesta placement will almost always have an unusual expression of sexuality. Their relationship lives will ‘just be different’ than the people they know: the typical models of romance don’t quite work, and they will wonder why.

The Daily Planets

Since Tuesday is governed by Mars, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on this feisty red planet. October 26: Mars is Almost Through ScorpioThere are only three days left of Mars’ tour through his yin-oriented home sign of Scorpi…

How to Write an Astrology Book in 11 Weeks

I just finished writing a 400-page astrology book in eleven weeks. I did it without collaborators or ghost writers, and while I managed to recycle a limited amount of material from my archives, it didn’t amount to much. Still, I met my terrifyingly t…

Mars/Jupiter Aspects

Righteous action. A lot of anger. Out of proportion anger. Out of proportion competitive drive. Running over the competition. Bulldozing the competition. Physical comedians. Rough housing. Foolhardiness. Crude behavior. Rude

Koch memo leak: ‘change balance of power’ parrots 1.4.11 Solar Eclipse

Sometimes a news event or phrase in the news perfectly parrots an astrological indicator such as this:(KurtNimmo) – One faction of globalist tools outing another faction of globalist tools. That’s how we play politics in America today.Think Progress — which should be called Think Soros because it is funded by George Soros — has released a private correspondence sent out by Charles Koch of Koch

The Astrology of Books

It was a Uranian utterance. I was talking with Roxanne Coady, owner of R. J. Julia Booksellers about categorizing books. “Oh,” I said blithely, with utter Aquarian disregard for the consequences, “That isn’t hard with astrology. I would assign the … Continue reading

Sarah Palin’s rectified natal chart and Sun AQ-Moon AQ

With today’s extended thunderstorms across Georgia, my Internet service is chancy so I’ve not been studying this morning to complete info for a post as much as I’m moseying around the web and catching up with my preferred Political/Mundane Astrology sites and blogs.Belatedly, I’m reading Michael O’Reilly’s piece about a rectified natal chart for Sarah Palin which seems plausible to me. Palin was