A Recipe for Taurus Moon- In Case You Need More Sugar

I have friends around for dinner tomorrow night, so have made something called a Strawberry Cloud Cake in advance.
It is essentially a light & frothy mix of egg white, sugar & strawberries & frozen onto a biscuity base (which I made with 20…

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens Breakup: Venus Trine North Node

Teen hearts are breaking across the country right now! Looks like sweethearts Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are the latest in a string of celebrity couple break-ups. Only difference is, this time there was no cheating or third party involved. What makes things even more confusing is that the last time we wrote about them, […]

Like So Whatever- Mercury Rx

Last night the broadband cable went down in our street.
Being my normal “it’s all about me” self, my only concern was an interrupted signal last night through cable when I was trying to watch Rake, my favourite show of the year…and then I switc…

Is government shut down Dec 18th a bad thing?

Perhaps Capitol Hill Democrats shouldn’t be too hasty. Maybe full throated instead of reserved Republican bluff-calling is in order as many people have mentioned before now. But really! This evening’s Reid-McConnell fireworks on the House floor should be savored not decried! (Link to text below.)Shut Down Time has rolled around again and politically its 1994-esque vibe lingers over The Swamp

Shrinking the US economy IS the point! (video)

The president’s deficit commission and the actions of the Fed, Wall Street, corporate America and others are focused on shrinking the US economy and hurting labor so that power elite fatcats can continue skimming trillions a little while longer even though they know the jig is up.Today Timothy Geithner sang and danced on Capitol Hill trying to boost the idea that the TARP (black hole) did what it

Off the Cuff Dates Extended

Due to the popularity of the Off the Cuff readings (and, no doubt, to the general tension up in the heavens just now) I will be extending the available dates to include the 28th, 29th and 30th of December. This will be your last chance to book an Off the Cuff reading at the reduced […]

16 December 2010: Material Consequences

By 2:30 PM PST we see the first aspect of the Taurus Moon, a trine to the North Node/ Mercury conjunction, highlighting the heavy-duty contemplation we’ve been involved in (whether we’ve been aware of it or not). The material situation, … Con…

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be ‘freed’ on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman’s broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he’s a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!Meanwhile, in California, Alex D’Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown’s austerity budget

December 21 Eclipse for Your Sign: Libra-Pisces

Not only is the December 21 lunar eclipse at 29 Gemini ruled by Mercury retrograde, but the chart for the eclipse sports a flamboyant square from the Sun and Moon to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. What does this mean for your sign? Today, Libra – Pisces…