The Essence for 7 February 2011: Take Notes

At 1 AM PST of the 7th a sextile to Aquarian Mercury puts the Moon over itself! We have an emotional revelation: we know what we want to say, and how to say it. Write it down–though this inspiration seems … Continue reading →

O’Reilly to Obama: "people hate you" (video)

Here’s the ‘Super Bowl interview’ from today, February 6, 2011, between Bill O’Reilly and President Barack Obama in which O’Reilly repeatedly mentions that "people hate you."Are we that vicious? Well, speaking for myself, I’m not particularly enamoured of Mr. O’Reilly now that I think about it.Still it saddens me that so many of my fellow Americans allow political propaganda invented by certain

Can Arizona nullify federal law? Phoenix’s natal horoscope tells a tale

With the state of Arizona continuing its drive to propose a secession bill, one may wonder what is really behind such a bullheaded notion which seemingly has no merit in law.Not having a natal horoscope for the state of Arizona, I’m publishing one for its state capital Phoenix which is based on a new town rising from the site of an ancient Hohokam people irrigation system. Thus Phoenix is a

Ronald Reagan turns 100 today Feb 6, 2011

February 6, 1911 – February 6, 2011On this 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, I’m republishing a Gipper Worship Alert with links to his first Inauguration horoscope and his Inaugural Address included.Bet the Gipper would watch the Super Bowl game today if he could!Plus, you may be interested in a 2009 post concerning the Trickler-in-Chief, Did Ronald Reagan Destroy Main Street? Follow

Short Skirt Long Jacket- Venus in Capricorn

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what’s best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who’s fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack

Art and Astrology: Aquarian Self-portraits

Aquarius is the sign of the avant-garde – and who could be more emblematic of the avant garde than Edouard Manet. Some of his paintings are still kind of shocking when you think about it.Dejeuner sur L’Herbe scandalised Paris when it was exhibited in…