Muse against the babylon system of pop culture

Seeing mega-rock band Muse on TV a few times had not fully alerted me to the fact that they sing against the mindless babylon system of pop culture and the thought control of the New World Order. Yet how they got where they are in the music industry eludes me unless they sang less political lyrics in their early days, sold a bunch of records, and later brought out their opposition to global elite

Love Different: Tracking Your Venus Progressions

We are all born at a distinct moment and place in time. The position of the planets at that moment indicates our life path in terms of how we assert, relate and communicate. Yet we are not static creatures. We are always changing. One of the changes we go through – in an astrological sense […]

AskJo- The Virgo Files- Its Got To Be Perfect

I dread writing about Virgo, and yet I have some lovely Virgo friends. Sure their criticality and practicality can frustrate me, but then again my “can’t really be faffed” impractical attitude often drives them to distraction.
So to cover my own…

Daily Planets Wednesday 25/8/10

A Full Moon in Pisces, how simply dreamy. Don’t even think about trying to make clear or focused decisions at this time, just go with the Piscean flow…
I always find that the emotional sensitivity of a Pisces Moon always makes me well, more…

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23 There’s a Full Moon brewing, and there are cosmic goodies to take advantage of. If there’s a situation or an aspect of yourself that you’re working to change, you may see the results of your efforts now. Feel how easy it is to drop your burden. At […]

Daily Planets Tuesday 24/8/10

I am so late with this today!
I have spent this afternoon after work taking Five Foot Nothing for swimming auditions- at least that is what it is like trying out for new squads. She had to get in and swim a 400 IM (thats technical swimming talk for In…

Working With Saturn: Internal Boundaries

Saturn rules necessary boundaries of all types. External world has boundaries such as laws, policies and regulations. Internally we carry boundaries in the form of psychological limitations. Some of these limitations (usually good common sense) are …

Working With Saturn: Internal Boundaries

Saturn rules necessary boundaries of all types. External world has boundaries such as laws, policies and regulations. Internally we carry boundaries in the form of psychological limitations. Some of these limitations (usually good common sense) are …

Working With Saturn: Internal Boundaries

Saturn rules necessary boundaries of all types. External world has boundaries such as laws, policies and regulations. Internally we carry boundaries in the form of psychological limitations. Some of these limitations (usually good common sense) are …