Zionism and the natal chart of Israel

Zionism has been called out as racism and colonialism and I find myself having to agree these days. That one race has to suffer to exalt another hardly seems to me the basis of the original movement as founded by Theodor Herzl.Now don’t get me wrong: growing up in a family where the principles of the Protestant Bible were top of the list, the scriptural admonition to ‘Pray for the peace of Israel

Daily Planets Thursday 26/8/10

How gorgeous was that Full Moon?
I have been feeling oh so Piscean today- and not just because of my Mercury issues… I have just finished re-watching the final episode of one of my favourite BBC period pieces The Buccaneers.
Annabel, stuck in a l…

Mercury Rx…so whatever…

Today I was hit by the Mercury bug… actually, it was a combination of me not reading my mail, Integral Energy turning off the power and this reliance on technology which we seem to have developed.
First, the power company advised us last week tha…

25 August 2010: Rough Patches

The Moon begins the 25th Pacific time still within the first decan (10 degrees) of Pisces; she’s fresh from her tryst with the Earth, emotion and spirit drawing her attention. By 3 AM-ish PDT the Moon trines the South Node, … Continue readi…

Mountain Climbing, Saturn and a Little Zen

A couple of weeks ago I posted a piece on Saturn and how his transits are akin to mountain climbing. This post on Zen Habits says it better than I ever could! Not an astro site, but absolutely worth reading for hints and suggestions for a simpler lif…

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long: Moon Conjunct Venus

Justin Long and Drew Barrymore are ridiculously adorable together, and frankly, we wish they’d cut it out with this on-again-off-again crap. Whether or not they’re actually together, it’s lucky for us (and unluckily for the press) that they have an awesome shared sense of humor. Case in point: they had to have known that their […]