Full Moon in Taurus

*Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommmonsThe Moon has reached her fullness on the final degree of fertile Taurus – the sign of Moon’s exaltation. Something should be culminating for you and, since this lunation is ruled by Venus, romance or money …

Full body scanners: Chertoff’s conflict of interest (video)

As you’ve probably heard by now, former Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff has a major conflict of interest when it comes to selling the US government the full body scanners now being loudly protested in our airports.If the conflict pans out to be the scandal it now seems to be, President Obama will be in for criticism as well. Didn’t anyone tell Mr. Obama from the get-go that retaining

Daily Planets Sunday 21/11/10… Markets and Moons

I am writing this from a hotel room at the Paris end of Collins St in Melbourne. The Sun is shining, the Moon is still in Taurus and in a very little while ,my friend & I will be heading down to St Kilda Beach for a breakfast consisting of way to m…

So How’s That Workin’ For You?

Have a great Saturday! And please don’t hesitate to add any Venus/ Jupiter Direct effects not mentioned above in the comments section–Thanks! Tagged: real life astrology, the Venus/ Jupiter Direction

Can Your Horoscope Show If You’re an Optimist?

Could one’s horoscope suggest a tendency toward optimism or pessimism? We could start the exploration by listing the often sited differences between optimists vs pessimists:1) Power to Affect CircumstanceWhen faced with a challenge, optimists tend to …

Can Your Horoscope Show If You’re an Optimist?

Could one’s horoscope suggest a tendency toward optimism or pessimism? We could start the exploration by listing the often sited differences between optimists vs pessimists:1) Power to Affect CircumstanceWhen faced with a challenge, optimists tend to …

Can Your Horoscope Show If You’re an Optimist?

Could one’s horoscope suggest a tendency toward optimism or pessimism? We could start the exploration by listing the often sited differences between optimists vs pessimists:1) Power to Affect CircumstanceWhen faced with a challenge, optimists tend to …

Inauguration 2009: Pluto/Chiron = Midheaven

Today as I organized my papers, charts, magazines, and Astrology books, I ran across a copy of Dell Horoscope Magazine from December 2002 with an article on Chiron authored by Canadian astrologer Roderick Benns.A tidbit within the article caught my Political Astrology eye, for it intimately concerns the Inauguration 2009 horoscope’s Midheaven (Mc), the Goal-Aspiration Point of any horoscope.Here

20 November 2010: Watching Our Words

The energies are in little clusters, like tiny bombs, waiting to surprise us. Merc/ Mars in Sag, Venus quincunx Uranus=everyone may feel the urge to reach out and tell it ‘like it is,’ at least from their point of view. … Continue rea…