Good Stuff: What Will Jupiter Bring You?

Today the Sun enters Sagittarius so I thought I’d write about Jupiter, its ruler.  Everyone loves Jupiter.  Jupiter transits promise abundance and good feelings. It rules strawberries and sapphires, affluence and applause.   It gives us the gl…

JFK outed the global conspiracy (audio)

Yes, there still exist multiple theories as to why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Examples include: a crazy assassin with a desire for fame, Fidel Castro, the Mafia, the CIA in retaliation for the mishandled Bay of Pigs fiasco, or my preference: his presidential noises about his plans for reforming the world banking system.This audio of JFK’s words emphasizes the existence of a

Marketing and astrology are not mutually exclusive

I’ve packaged a cleaned-up version (I edited out most of the dirty words) of my recent lecture on using your birth chart to market yourself along with a little workbook I designed to help you wring every drop of astrological  goodness from it. Y…

Guilty verdict in Chandra Levy murder trial

Jurors have found Ingmar Guandique guilty of two counts of first-degree felony murder in the Chandra Levy murder trial, nine years after she disappeared while jogging in Rock Creek Park. Guandique faces life in prison.For more information visit

Rockefeller Study on 2010 – 2020 = "Decade of Doom"?

First let me say that I’m very sad to hear this moment on Amy Goodman’s program Democracy Now! that scholar and author Chalmers Johnson has passed away.His book The Sorrows of Empire is in my library and is an excellent resource for topics concerning the end of our republic. The economic collapse under which we now struggle is what Mr. Johnson termed the Last Sorrow.And on a similarly difficult

Poetry Hour: Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun is now in the sign of the archer Sagittarius – the philosopher, free spirit, the sign of growth, expansion and possibilities.

I’ve written previously about the Sun in Sagittarius at last year’s ingress here so this time I’m going to present…

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of November 22 You may notice that relationships have suddenly entered a state of heightened activity. For that you can thank Sunday’s Full Moon on the final degree of Taurus. This fertile mistress of the night has a lesson for everyone about mastering the use of all of your resources […]