Usher and Justin Bieber: Mercury Conjunct Moon Bromance

For those of you who watched the American Music Awards on Sunday, you witnessed a truly special Papa Bear/Baby Bear moment. Mentor Usher and mentee Justin Bieber were darling in matching black leather get-ups, and when Bieber took home four—count ‘em! FOUR!—AMA awards, Usher flat-out broke down and cried happy tears. Quoth the ecstatic Usher, […]

24 November 2010: Coddling and Control

I like to think the Moon is there even if I’m not looking at it A. Einstein We will be in a unique position today; we will be so busy being the Cancer Moon, we may not pay attention to … Continue reading →

Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

* Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsWhen the Moon is in Cancer, as she is today, the instinct is to huddle underneath one’s blanket, coming up only for hot chocolate and other comfort foods and beverages. This is the let me stay home energy. An…

Unemployment benefits expire Dec 31, Rs rejoice!

Well, in America, droves of rich folk turned out to vote against Democrats on November 2, 2010 – to protect their own monied self-interests. And you know that they and their reps on Capitol Hill are against extending federal "jobless benefits" (unemployment ‘insurance’ checks of about $290 per week set to expire December 31) to unemployed US workers, many of which were laid off or made redundant

Daily Planets Wednesday 24/10/10 On Wine & Cork & Shoes

I don’t know about you, but nearly every bottle of wine I open (with the exception of the really dusty ones on the right hands side of the closet) has a screw top these days instead of cork.
I’m OK with this. Sure I love the smell of wine o…

Uphill on Capitol Hill: Rs ruling the turkey roost?

Doyle McManus’ analysis of what’s going on on Capitol Hill since the Republicans triumphed in midterms 2010 (thanks a lot, everyone who voted for Karl Rove’s party) sums things up quite well.You know, the Republican Party experienced a Progressed Full Moon in 2005 which is a timing device indicating that one has reached one’s limit of expansion in the world – a culmination of sorts. (The R Party

Uphill on Capitol Hill: Rs ruling the turkey roost?

Doyle McManus’ analysis of what’s going on on Capitol Hill since the Republicans triumphed in midterms 2010 (thanks a lot, everyone who voted for Karl Rove’s party) sums things up quite well.You know, the Republican Party experienced a Progressed Full Moon in 2005 which is a timing device indicating that one has reached one’s limit of expansion in the world – a culmination of sorts. (The R Party

Saturn Contacts in Synastry

If you want a relationship to last, you need to have Saturn contacts. A relationship can’t survive if the people in it don’t feel a sense of responsibility for one another.

23 November 2010: Classically Creative

By 8 AM PST the Moon trines Neptune and creates a loose Grand Trine with Venus in lovely Libra. Energies of creation, aesthetics, and emotions balance and can be very effectively tapped  for personal use. 10 AM and the Moon … Continue reading &#…