26-27 November 2010: Touchy Venus

One of the stars of the show today and tomorrow besides ourselves   (how else would it be for a Leo Moon?)  is Venus, at 29 degrees of Libra by evening of the 26th; stressed in her own home, in her … Continue reading →

Challenges and Word Counts

Just a quick note to let you know there is unlikely to be anything of note coming out of this site over the next couple of days.
I have 8000 words to write by Nov30 and some trims to paint, but hubby is pushing his chin out on that one and I am assumin…

Opportunities (Lets Make Lots of Money)

A Pet Shop Boys clip for the Sagittarius/Gemini axis- Opportunities. I’ve got the brains, you’ve got the looks… you know the rest!
I posted this last year, but being as time challenged as I am at present, figured it deserves another r…

Let the Good Times Roll with Moon in Leo

*Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsIt’s time to lighten up already, now that the Moon is in radiant Leo. There’s a lovely trine between Moon and the Sun in upbeat Sagittarius. Seeing the upside of things comes more naturally now. It’s a great …

Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer Compatibility

The tension created by a Venus in Aries/Mars in Cancer couple can be sexy, creative and energizing, or just plain irritating. Elemental opposites, this fire and water pairing does the best when the partners make use of their natural differences, rather than trying to fight against them. Venus in Aries pulls no punches in relationships. Bold […]

25 November 2010: The Ritual of Giving Thanks

Because the vast majority of us are not only aware of the way gratitude plays an important mental, emotional, and spiritual role in our lives, we practice it daily, some see no need to set aside a day to give what … Continue reading →

Daily Planets Friday 26/11/10 …and a word count update

Firstly apologies for the erratic nature of these this week. Life, as they say it, is getting in the way. But other than a little disruption, all otherwise is cool.
The Moon is still in Cancer where she will remain until just after 4pm Friday (Sydney t…

A Heavy Sigh with Moon square Saturn

*Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThis is a day when your inner critic (hello Saturn) can drive you to distraction. The Moon is still gliding through Cancer and she squares Saturn in Libra. So, yesterday’s moodiness continues – though you likely …

Natal Aspects: Moon in Cancer

The Moon in Cancer shows an emotionally sensitive and caring individual.  This is someone who is a loyal friend and partner, the type of person that may ‘feel the pain’ of others and especially those very close to them.  The Moon is in it’s…

Usher and Justin Bieber: Mercury Conjunct Moon Bromance

For those of you who watched the American Music Awards on Sunday, you witnessed a truly special Papa Bear/Baby Bear moment. Mentor Usher and mentee Justin Bieber were darling in matching black leather get-ups, and when Bieber took home four—count ‘em! FOUR!—AMA awards, Usher flat-out broke down and cried happy tears. Quoth the ecstatic Usher, […]