Dropping the Mask: The Truth About FaceBook (video)

A few weeks ago I put my delete-account-clicking where my mouth was and left behind the warm coziness of FaceBook. The site retains all my content and personal data, however, as evidenced by the email I received next day assuring me that my password will still get me back in whenever I’m ready to rejoin the happy throng. This is no comfort considering my concerns.Well, the above video

Weekend Love Forecast by Satori

“Baby, my baby, sweet baby, what am I gonna do with you?”
–Barry WhiteThis weekend’s Moon moves from Virgo to Libra. It begins in trine to Pluto and ends in sidling up to Saturn. Saturday night the Virgo Moon conjuncts Juno and opposes Uranus….

The Full Moon in Leo (Personal) – Surprise Climax

Astrology in real lifeThe full Moon in Leo and the associated stellium stellium in Aquarius (see Transit Watch) hits my chart quite profoundly. The Moon is transiting my 7th and I have working aggressively with others over the last two days, all of the…

Your Guide To Conquering The Universe

It’s amazing how much happens in four months. “Conquer The Universe With Astrology” (The Radio Show) has taken off and just keeps getting better and more popular as time goes on! So much so, in fact, that there’s now a significant backlog of old shows …