Some Questions for My Readers and Students

I’m thinking of changing the look of the blog, and I have a couple of questions for you. 1) Do you think it’s too hard to read in it’s current format? 2) Do/Did you find it difficult to find contact information and info on rates, etc? 3) Would you like to see the articles organized […]

Will Apr 3, 2011’s Mars/Uranus conjunction heat up Politics?

You betcha! And House Speaker John Boehner has already used graphic Mars/Uranus-style gun rhetoric concerning labor unions. One assumes it’s okay with Mr. Boehner if the powers that be are holding the "machine gun" of Mars/Uranus to our heads but unacceptable when we-the-people stand together to protect ourselves from political and social abuse.Yet rhetoric isn’t all that sizzles with a Mars/